North Baltimore Middle School Supply List
Middle School Supply List as pdf to print
General Supplies
* Pencils & erasers and pens for the year
* Headphones- do not need to be expensive or fancy
* Notebook or Loose Leaf Paper- whichever your prefer for the year
* 8th Graders: Two dry erase markers any color turn into any middle school teacher
* 7th Graders: 1 box of tissues give to any middle school teacher
8th ELA Supplies 7th Geography Supplies
* Highlighter- any color * Folder- 2 pocket
* Folder
7th ELA Supplies 7th Careers/Ed Supplies
* Binder with 3 rings with a clear front sleeve * Folder- 2 pocket
* 1 Dry Erase Marker-any color
* Folder- 2 pocket
8th Math Supplies 7th Art and 8th Art Supplies
* Binder with 3 rings * Colored pencils- any brand
* Can use the same calculator from 7th grade * 1 glue stick- any size
* Paper or notebook
7th Math Supplies 8th Principles of Food Supplies
* Binder with 3 rings * Folder- 2 pocket
* Will receive a calculator through school fees
* Paper or notebook
8th Science Supplies 7th and 8th Physical Education Supplies
* Folder- 2 pocket * Clothes to change into for class
* Tennis shoes to change into for class
7th Science Supplies
* Folder- 2 pocket 7th Keyboarding
*2-pocket folder
8th Social Studies Supplies
* Folder- 2 pocket
* Book cover 7th and 8th Choir Supplies
* Pencil to leave in folder
7th Social Studies Supplies
* Folder- 2 pocket 7th General Music
*Book cover- large size * Folder- 2 pocket
Mrs. Reider’s ELA Class Supplies Optional Supplies
* Folder- 2 pocket * Crayons/Colored Pencils/Markers
* Locker organizational items * Index cards