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November 14, 2024 7:49 pm

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NB School Board May Meeting Report

The North Baltimore Board of Education held their May meeting last night at the NBHS/NBMS building. All board members were present for this regularly scheduled monthly meeting.

The board approved many financial expenses that were presented.

Administrative reports were next on the agenda. Here are some highlights:

Mr. Delaney

He felt graduation went smoothly

The district is interviewing for a First Grade position and Intervention Specialist

The district is ready to begin on it’s list of “summer projects” which includes some blacktopping

Dr. Falkenstein

“What a great day and superb class” he said of the Class of 2015’s graduation

He announced there will be summer intervention available for students, and the opportunity to re-test the mandatory OGT

Announced 10 track members are participating in the Regional track competition today (Wednesday) and/or Friday.

Mr. Lockwood

Proud of students who competed for the first time ever in a “24” tournament

Commented that all Spring “Field trips” were educationally based

Impressed by students who competed in the “Egg Drop” challenge. Mr. Lockwood himself dropped the protected eggs from the roof of the Powell building, with assistance from Jim Casey and his truck from Hancock Wood Electric.

Announced that “Consumables are being donated by an anonymous donor again” (School supplies) for the Powell Elementary students.

Academic awards, 6th grade graduation, and good behavior awards will complete the year.

Following those reports, the board moved on to the list of Superintendent’s recommendations. Some items of interest included:

*Board voted 5-0 to accept the resignation for retirement of Mrs. March Bean. Mrs. Bean has worked for the district for 41 years! (Congrats, March!)

*All other items including expenditures, approvals of medical leave, resignations, agreements, policy revisions, and receiving of donations were approved by 5-0 votes, with the exception of these two:

-Approval of a one-year certified contract for Intervention Special Kristal King passed 3-2, with Mrs. Bushey and Mrs. Cotterman voting no.

-Approval of an agreement with the Hancock County Educational Service Center for Pam Van Mooy to serve as “Special Programs” Coordinator passed 4-1 with Mrs. Cotterman voting no.

*Accepted a donation of $5000 from CSX for the purchase of a scoreboard for the future softball/baseball fields.

*Accepted donations from Jack and Cheryl Cotterman, American Legion Auxiliary, and American Legion Post #539 for Academic Honors Program.

*Approved the 2015-2016 School Lunch prices (with a mandated State of Ohio .10 cent increase)
-Milk .50
-K-12 Lunch $2.65
-Adult Lunch $3.15
-A la Carte Main item $2.15

Board Committee Reports

Legislative –Russell Bretz- “They are still chewing the rag over the budget,” commented Mr. Bretz.

Student Achievement-Cheryl Cotterman- “I would like to commend the Senior Class. What an awesome group of kids” stated Mrs. Cotterman.

Mr. Delaney concluded the meeting by saying ”Thanks to the community for passing the levy renewal”

The Board adjourned to Executive Session at 6:45pm. No further action was to be taken.

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