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NB School Board Meets

The local Board of Education for North Baltimore Schools met Tuesday evening for their regular meeting at the MS/HS building at 2012 Tiger Drive.

The meeting was called to order by Board President Tami Thomas, with Board members Russell Bretz, Jaimye Bushey, and Cheryl Cotterman present. Member Tim Archer was not in attendance.

The meeting first dealt with financial reports and obligations, as is the usual procedure.

Before giving his monthly report, Superintendent Ryan Delaney introduced Middle School teacher Erica Matthes who presented students Brennin Gray-Duvall and Katie Dewulf, who were recognized for receiving “Honorable Mention” honors recently for participating in the Safety Kids Calendar Contest.

The Safety Kids Calendar Contest is a county-wide art project, with students from all over the county making submissions to the Wood County Prosecuting Attorney’s office. They are the sponsor of this event. After the winning entries are chosen they are produced into a calendar, with wide-spread distribution.

Katie Dewulf and Brennin Gray-Duvall,

The Board congratulated the young ladies and Mr. Delaney presented them a gift card. Their families were also in attendance for the presentation.

Following the ceremony, administrative reports were given. All three administrators basically highlighted the near-completion of testing days, and end-of-the school year special events, trips, awards presentations, and more. Mr. Delaney said, “There’s stuff going on almost every day from May 3rd through the 28th” Mr. Delaney also reminded everyone to vote for the district’s renewal levy (No new tax) on Election Day next week.

Dr. Falkenstein mentioned the mock crash, prom (Saturday) and Senior Awards, as well as many other events and activities. “Please note, we have had to change the time of Senior Awards to 1:15pm, instead of 1:45, due to an after school sports conflict. We don’t want to exclude anyone.” he said. May 15th is the Senior Awards Program.

Mr. Lockwood shared similar sentiments concerning Powell, where things are still moving along at a brisk pace. “Thanks to Mrs. Bucher for organizing our Earth Day celebration last week.” He also mentioned another popular end-of-the year event: Field Day, on May 26, beginning at 8:30am. “Field Day will be changed a little this year”, said Lockwood. It is being planned and organized by Physical Education teacher Zach Walls.

The approval of the Superintendent’s recommendations followed next, with all but one item being approved. All voted contracts were approved with the exception of one of the One Year Contracts for certified employees. Board member Cotterman asked to have one name removed from the clustered group, and voted on separately. The initial group of one year contracts was approved. The vote on the separate contract was 2-2, which means the motion fails, in case of a tie, Mr Delaney explained.

The Board was reminded that Staff Appreciation Week is May 5-May 9.

The meeting adjourned at 6:50pm, with the Board moving into Executive Session with no further action to be taken.



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