Scouts of Troop 315
As many of you know, we are known in the council as a “retro troop” with our old uniforms and cool throw back gear. That being said, the Erie Shores Council’s Camp Miakonda will be celebrating their 100th year and having public tours.
We have been asked to maintain and hold a retro campsite, complete with canvas camps, full BSA 1950’s /60’s uniforms during the weekend and very 1950’s camp model.
It is truly an honor to do this. Everything from clothing , backpacks. 1950’s books and tents, model campsite with gate, us flags, troop and patrol flags, old scout songs, games, basically a living history lesson for the public, kinda like Sauder Village for scouts.
All scouts who are currently wearing a BSA pre 1970’s uniform are being asked to do this (from our troop), we will add to your uniform, including classic socks, garrison hats and shorts. The camp is recreating Indian Village for the anniversary and we will be placed in one of the historic campsites. If you don’t own an old uniform and want to come, I have a full rack of uniforms.
We also plan on setting up our old 1950’s Jamboree tents we own as a troop, plus some of our scouts and leaders own pup tents.
They are also setting up a pre 1930’s campsite and asked about a couple scouts who do own this stuff about that, more to come.
The dates are May 19- 21 , 2017. Like Sauder village. All costuming is to be complete so we will be wearing class A’s all weekend and working in them. It’s a 1950’s Boy’s Life, Norman Rockwell moment for us.
P.S. I can lend out old back packs, camp gear, vintage mess kits, neckerchiefs, etc. This a once in a lifetime experience for us. Lets get excited!
Shawn Benjamin
[email protected]