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NB Village Administrator Report – March 3

North Baltimore Village Administrator Donna Dettling submitted the following monthly report to NB Village Council.

Village Administrator Report – March 3, 2015

1.     Meeting Review

·       February 17th – Kevin Fahey re: Deshler Road Site

·       February 17th – Rick Schantz re: Evaluate Utility Dept. Transition Options

·       February 18th – Tom Fishbaugh re: RCAP representative

·       February 19th – BWC Business Development Meeting

·       February 19th – Public Safety Work Session

·       February 23rd – Ben Cordes ODOT SRTS Region 2 Coordinator

·       February 25th – Visit Peterman & Assoc. Office

·       February 27th – TMACOG Workshop- Shared Service for Water & Sewer

2.     Upcoming Meetings:

·       March 3rd  – Tony and Noah Hetrick re: Disc Golf Project

·       March 4th – Wood County Planning CDBG Review Meeting

·       March 5th – Economic Outlook 2015 in Findlay

·       March 6th – TMACOG re: 208 Plan Meeting

·       March 9th – Tree Commission Meeting

3.     Feedback on Ordinance 2014-52 RR Closing Notice.  Rusty Orben of CSX offered a few comments for consideration from CSX’s legal Department on Ord#14-52.  Section (a) is clearly preempted by Federal Law and Regulation, reasoning: The nature of the work required to comply with FRA regulations may require simultaneous closures of at-grade crossings.  Section (b) is likely not preempted. Section (c) is likely preempted, and Section (d) is tied to Section (b).

4.     Safe RouteTo School Update.  This is a very competitive grant program and the village is competing with Toledo area schools for funding.  North Baltimore has submitted an application for infrastructure improvements for a sidewalk on the north side of Maple Street and enhancements on Rhoades Avenue.  The preliminary estimate for these improvements is $307,349.00 which includes final design, environmental, construction engineering and a 10% contingency as required by ODOT.  If our application is selected for funding, the Village will be responsible for 20% of these costs or $61,469.00.  This application round for SRTS Grant funding is awarded in the State’s Fiscal Year of October 2017/18.  The soonest we would be able to do the project is fall of 2017. The Ordinance on the agenda tonight must be adopted or the application will not be complete and therefore the application will be rejected.

5.     Meter Bid Update.   Although the meter upgrade bid was ready to be released on February 25, 2015, I decided to hold it until I could properly evaluate the procedures for making an application with USDA for a Loan/Grant for this project.  Andy Sterling confirmed that approval from USDA is required before the project can be bid.

6.     Public Safety Work Session.  Is there a desire to schedule another Public Safety Committee Work Session?  Chris Kirk, Will Matthes and I are working to refine costs for three levels of service; highest with 2 staff on  duty at all times, moderate level with 2 staff on less than 100% of the time and lowest level what we’re currently doing.

7.     Railroad Overpass Stakeholder Meeting.   The meeting notes summary for the Transportation meeting held on Thursday, February 12, 2015 to discuss the Grade Separation is attached for your review. The meeting summary will be distributed to everyone that attended the meeting.

8.     OML Legislative Luncheon.  Reminder- 2015 OML Legislative Reception that will be held on March 18, 2015 from 6 to 7 p.m.  Let me know if you’d like to attend the Reception with me.

9.     Annual Dinner-Wood County Economic Development.  The Village of North Baltimore has a table of 8 for the 22nd Annual Wood County Economic Development Dinner, March 17, 2015, 6:00 p.m. at the Hilton Garden Inn, located at Levis Commons.  Those confirmed to attend: Leslee Thompson, Bill Cameron, Mayor Julien, Donna Dettling, Chris Kirk, and Chet Marcin. We need two more to fill out our table of 8.  Just a reminder the 2nd Council meeting in March will be held on Monday the 16th.

10.  Employee Status Change.  Shawn Fry, Plant Operator hired September 2, 2014 has completed a 6-month probation period effective February 28, 2015.  Andy Patterson recommended and I support a status change for Shawn Fry from probationary to Regular/Full-Time Appointment.

Council Motion Requested:  Change status of Shawn Fry, Plant Operator from Probationary Employee to Regular/Full-Time Status.

11.  Draft Memo for COTW Fire &Rescue Dispatch.  Attached is a draft memo for the next COTW meeting.  Let me know if you have questions or feel there’s additional information or research that is needed prior to the Committee Meeting on March 10th.

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