Donna Dettling, Village Administrator
Date: December 2, 2014
Re: Village Administrator Report
- Meeting Review
- November 12th – Huntington Positive Pay Follow-up
- November 15th – Public Hearing
- November 18th – Public Safety Committee Meeting
- November 21st – Review budget with Aaron and Art Patterson
- November 25th – Planning Commission
- Upcoming Meetings:
- December 1st – Review Stormwater Proposal with Peterman re: Drainage area on SR18
- December 3rd – E.D. 101 Workshop
- December 3rd– Wood County Forfeited Land Sale
- December 4th – TMACOG Water Quality Program
- December 4th – WCEDC Holiday Reception
- December 4th– ZBA Meeting
- Traffic Signal Shield Update. Parts for the traffic signal near Powell School are not available any longer. DPW has a scrape yard supplier that has obsolete traffic signal parts that will sell us the part. Doug expects to get the part and install it next week.
- Forfeited Land Sale. The County Auditor is conducting a Forfeited Land Sale, December 3, 2014 in the Wood County Commissioners’ Hearing Room, and I plan to attend to find out more about how the Forfeited Land process works and find out if anyone buys the Johnson Rubber Company property.
- Election Results. Attached is a copy of the certificate of result of election for the Street and Road Construction renewal tax.
- Water Usage Complaints. I followed up with both residents that attended the Council meeting regarding water usage. I heard back from one of them and provided her with water calculator tools. The links for the water calculator tools are on our website. I’m also working on a handout called “Water Usage Awareness” that will be provided to water customers.
- Cintas Uniform Chris Kirk and I followed up with Chet Marcin to have a letter written to terminate the service agreement with due to breach of contract.
- Holiday Reception. REMINDER: Council is invited to the Wood County Economic Development Commission Holiday Reception to be held on Thursday, December 4, 2104 from 4:00 p.m. to 6:30 p.m. at the Holiday Inn French Quarter in Perrysburg.
- Economic Development 101. REMINDER: A free Workshop-Economic Development 101 on Wednesday, December 3, 2014 from 8a -11a at Perrysburg French Quarter. A copy of the agenda the Workshop is attached to my report. Please let me know if you plan to attend.
- Office Update. We’ve received 8 resumes for the part-time Finance Clerk I position so far, and I plan to interview the week of December 8th. A hiring recommendation will be presented to Council on the 16th of December. I’m also working with two BGSU students; Patrick Gillen and Dan Wendt, each working 4 hours one day per week starting the week of December 15, 2014. They will be working on projects and helping with office duties.