Village Administrator Report
NB Village Administrator Report to Village Council for October, 2014
- Meeting Review
- October 20th – Playground Representative
- October 20th – Pre-construction meeting re: Silo and Clarifier Painting Project
- October 21st – Public Safety Committee Meeting
- October 28th – Laurie Limes re: Village Website
- October 21st – TMACOG Transportation Committee Meeting
- October 23rd – Zoning Board of Appeals – Variance Hearing
- October 28th – Planning Commission Meeting
- October 28th – Public Safety Committee Meeting
- October 28th – Meeting with Auditor of the State representatives
- October 28th – Planning Commission Meeting
- October 29th – Benefit Strategies re:Health Insurance Renewal
- Upcoming Meetings:
- November 3rd– Meet with Laurie Limes re: Village Web Site
- November 4th – County Sheriff demo re: Dispatch Software
- November 4th – Headworks Study Kick-off meeting
- November 4th –Public Safety Committee Meeting
- November 5th – USDA, Peterman, Helms re: Project Close out meeting
- November 10th – Tree Commission
- November 17th – Tentative meeting with Stephanie Miller DNR re: Tree Plan
- Holiday Reception. Council is invited to the Wood County Economic Development Commission Holiday Reception to be held on Thursday, December 4, 2104 from 4:00 p.m. to 6:30 p.m. at the Holiday Inn French Quarter in Perrysburg. See the attached invitation.
- Economic Development 101. A save the date invitation is included with my report. I plan to attend the workshop and I encourage the Economic Development Committee of Council to attend if possible, however anyone can attend.
- Park Grant Follow-up. Attached is a letter from Wood County Park District informing the village that we received a grant for the broken spiral slide. I have followed up with the park equipment vendor to order the slide and with the County on procedure for getting the funds.
- Roof Update. The prognosis for the roof was not encouraging. Mr. Meyer did a lot more caulking and sealing then he thought would be needed. He typically finds 20 to 30 places that potential leaks can occur. He said that there were over 200 places for potential leaks on the roof. Many areas damaged due to antenna placement and guy wires. It appeared that little care was used when placing this equipment on the roof. The most distressed area of the roof is in the poorly devised drain system. Water is trapped below and between layers and continues to cause problems. I will be working with Doug Wickard on an aggressive maintenance plan for the roof until such time as we can construct a new roof. Mr. Meyer guaranteed that he stopped the leaks, but we are on borrowed time and need to plan for replacing the roof sooner rather than later.
- Plow Class. The DPW will be attending a free Snow Plowing Class in November. The class will focus on best snow plow practices in urban settings.
- Office Update. To keep up with office needs, I’m looking into the possibility of using various part-time personnel that already work for the Village to help cover the phone and help-out at the counter for a few hours a week. Chris and April have stepped up to learn the Utility Billing System, which supports much needed cross-training for one of the primary functions of the office. They were able to complete shut-offs this week and process a billing and get it in the mail. I’m also following up with contacts at Bowling Green University and Findlay University for Student Interns.
- Agenda and Minutes 8 ½ x 11 vs. 8 ½ x 14. In working with Clerk VanMooy on agenda items, we discussed the possibility of doing the agendas and minutes on 8 ½ x 11 letter size paper vs. 8 ½ x 14 legal size paper. This would save some money on paper and copying, and it would be handy when preparing the complete agenda packet with one size paper. We would also save money on archiving minutes on letter size paper by reducing the cost of the binding covers we currently use. I followed up with the State Achieve Office to confirm if we are required by law to archive on legal vs. letter size paper. Janice Tallman of the Local Government Records Division emailed me; “as far as minutes and according to the Open Meetings Act, a public body can make a determination as to what medium they use to retain their minutes. She said that there are no set guidelines as to using legal or letter size paper, but we must ensure that the method we use, makes them available for public inspection and permanent safe keeping”.
Recommendation: Propose that Council make a motion to use letter size paper for agendas and minutes; with the understanding that minutes will be made available for public inspection and properly archived for permanent safe keeping.
- Board of Zoning Appeals. The monthly BZA meeting was held on October 23, 2014, which included a Variance Hearing. The Variance was approved and a copy of the Notice of Decision is attached to this report.