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NB Village Council Committee of the Whole Agenda – March 8

March 8, 2016
5:30 Meeting AGENDA

Village COW-March 8 2016

I. Call to order at 5:30 PM for the Finance and Technology Committee. Matt Archer Chair, Rich Rose and Art Patterson members.
1) Communication Tower financing presentation
2) 2015 Financial overview presentation

II. Call to order at 6:00 PM for the Public Works Committee. Ty Carles Chair, Rick Van Mooy and Art Patterson members.
1) AEP Streetlight Issue – I was in contact with Ryan Dougherty from AEP and he assures me that there is no established number of issues before AEP will come to North Baltimore. In an attempt to make the process of reporting streetlight issues as efficient as possible, we have determined that street department employees will inventory all village streetlights in the spring and fall. Citizens who have streetlight issues can report them to AEP directly on their website, or they can call the village office and our utility clerk Courtney will report the outage on the AEP website. I will be walking all council members through the AEP online reporting process at the COTW meeting.

III. The Public Safety Committee. Art Patterson Chair, Rich Rose and Rick Van Mooy members.
No Report

IV. Call to order at 6:15 PM for the Public Utilities Committee. Rick Van Mooy Chair, Ty Carles and Leslee Thompson members.
1) Water meter replacement update
2) Head works project update.
3) Information on Preliminary Work for Main Street Waterline – After digging through emails and old boxes of paperwork, I discovered that initially in 2010 the Village had Poggemeyer design the Downtown Enhancement Project. Then in late 2011 or 2012 the Village had Peterman do a preliminary drawing for the waterline replacement on Main St, but at that time no funding was available. In 2014 when funding opportunities opened up the Village had Poggemeyer design the 4 phases of Downtown Projects. At this point I believe it is in the best interest of the Village to keep the continuity Poggemeyer has with these projects. They are the ones that identified the funding opportunity, and have a clear idea on how the 4 separate phases are coordinated and have to be completed in a specific order.

V. The Economic and Community Development Committee. Leslee Thompson Chair, Ty Carles and Matt Archer members.
No Report

VI. Call to order at 6:30 PM for the Personnel, Policy and Ordinance Review Committee. Rich Rose Chair, Leslee Thompson and Matt Archer members.
1) Council Email and Cellphone Email Access – Craig from InTech will be at the village office on Tuesday March 8, 2016 from 4:30pm-5:30pm prior to the COTW to assist any council member who would like to set up their council email on their cellphone.
2) LAST CALL…Sunshine Law Training- Ohio Revised Code §109.43(B) and 149.43(E)(1) require that officials elected to statewide or local office receive three hours of Public Records training for each term of office. The training is designed to enhance the elected officials’ knowledge of their duty with regard to public meetings & records.
This training is now available online at
** Or we can still register you for the classroom session that is being held at the TMACOG Office in Toledo on April 8, 2016 from 8:30-1:00. Let Allyson know after the meeting.

VII. Mayor’s Items

VIII. Tree Commission
1) Next meeting March 14, 2016

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