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NB Village Council June Recap

by Sue Miklovic

Village Council Meeting June 2022

The Village Council met on Tuesday, June 21, 2022, for their regularly scheduled meeting. All members were present.

During the Summer months-June, July, and August, the Council only holds one regular meeting (the 3rd Tuesday at 5:30 pm) They also continue meeting on the second Tuesday of the month for their “Committee of the Whole” meeting, which is basically an open conversation and “work session”. There is not public participation at this meeting, and no formal action is presented or voted on. The meeting is led by the President of the Village Council. This year that person is Councilwoman Leisa Zeigler. If any other business arises, or emergency votes and actions need to be taken, a” Special Meeting” needs to be scheduled, with time for public notification before it happens.

Pastor Mike Soltis (Bridge Fellowship Church) offered prayer for the council and community before the beginning of the meeting. He later shared that some community volunteers (many of whom participate in fellowship and service via the Bridge Fellowship connection) are working to clean up and paint the caboose in the Village Park. They hope to work with some local gardening enthusiasts to add more to the project. Stay tuned for more updates.

During the Public Participation portion of the meeting, Village resident Allen Jordan expressed his opinion of the parking situation on E. South Street. His property is there, and he has heard the village wants to limit parking to one side of the street only. All agreed it is a narrow street and difficult to get large trucks and snowplows through. Stay tuned for more updates.

Administrative Update from Village Administrator Chase Fletcher:

1: Water Street Bridge Replacement. Christopher Homan with Mannick and Smith has contacted me about the LOI (letter of interest) and it is nearly complete. We are awaiting ODOT to answer some questions before it is finished. Once it is finished it will be posted so that qualified engineers may submit letters of interest along with their qualifications..

2: Broadway Street Reconstruction. We met with ODOT and had a field review of the Broadway Street Reconstruction and determined project dates and delegated responsibilities. They also gave us opinions on how to proceed with the project once we get updated information from CT consultants. Based on funding, the project may have to split into different phases. 

3: CSX mowing contract. The previous contract with CSX for mowing arrangements has lapsed. We are compiling information to negotiate a new contract with them.

4: CSX sidewalks. I have been having discussions with a few individuals from CSX for the repair of the sidewalks downtown and at this time I am hopeful that an agreement will be made to get those repaired. We have to get a quote to submit to CSX for those repairs and they will determine if it is appropriate.

5: CSX crossings. I have been talking to another group from CSX about the rough crossings at Main Street and Tarr Street and I was notified that they are looking to have a crew get some patch down and replace the rotting ties.  

6: Northwest Water and Sewer. At a recent meeting, the Northwest Water and Sewer district notified us that they have received the final blessing from the USDA and they are looking to bid that project soon.

7: I would like to discuss purchasing a vehicle for the Administration. A vehicle to be used by the Administration and office would be greatly beneficial for many reasons.

Other items shared :

*Phil Walter III has switched from the Utilities Department to the Department of Public Works

*Finance Officer Tony Swartz reported the Income Tax is still coming in strong for the year

*The general fund is up by $100,000 from the beginning of the year

* Angela Swartz was hired as a temporary finance clerk to update the cemetery records to the new software program

*Police Chief David Lafferty reported the department has had to reach out to the sheriff’s department for backup when needed because the local department is understaffed. “We’re in a pickle,” he said.

*Mayor Janet Goldner requested the street closings on behalf of the Chamber of Commerce, for the Good Ole Summertime Festival on July 30th. Main Street will be closed from the railroad tracks north to Cherry Street. (Some side streets are closed for a shorter period of time)

*A considerable amount of time was spent debating if the Chamber can hold fireworks at the park in conjunction with the upcoming festival. There seems to be much disagreement on if there are still American Bald Eagles in a nest in the park, and what the interpretation is, of the law for endangered birds. Council member Dee Hosmer contacted the Ohio Department of Wildlife for clarification of the rules. Ultimately, the Police Chief and Fire Chief would need to sign off on the application concerning liability, and it didn’t appear they would be willing to do so, without written consent from a Division of Wildlife representative. UPDATE: An application was filed by the village, with documentation gathered by Ms. Hosmer, for a consent document. Word on that application’s approval should arrive soon.  

From the “Committee of the Whole” meeting, held on June 14th:

  • “Compliments to the Public Works Department,” said Council President Leisa Zeigler. “The cemeteries looked great for Memorial Day”
  • Residents from Eagles Landing were excluded from the “Community-Wide Trash Pick Up” day, according to Councilman Bill Cook.
  • Village Administrator Chase Fletcher shared there is a possibility of switching to “Common Dumpster Locations” at different spots around town, where items could be taken for pick-up on the weekend of “Community Wide Trash Pick-Up” He said this type of collection system is being used successfully in many area communities.

The July Committee of the Whole meeting is scheduled for July 12 at 5:30pm.

The July regular Council Meeting is July 19 at 5:30pm.






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