North Baltimore Youth Basketball League
From Brandy Thomas (on Facebook):
Registration forms should have or will be coming home from Powell Elementary – be on the lookout for them is interested.
Sign ups/Registration
September 24th and 26th
5 – 7 pm at the Woodruff Fieldhouse (by the High School).
Drop the form and the fee off, no skills assessment will be done that day.
We will also be taking the fundraiser forms and money.
Forms DEADLINE – October 1st.
(Contact Brandy if you are unable to make Sign-Up)
The fundraiser is for EVERYONE to support, whether in the league or not! Powell will be distributing these forms as well.
If you are interested or know someone that is, please contact Brandy (on Facebook)! They do not need to be a parent. And you do not have to coach your kid. We will be looking for:
4 coaches: 1st and 2nd grade girls
4 coaches: 1st and 2nd grade boys
2 coaches: 3rd and 4th grade girls
2 coaches: 3rd and 4th grade boys
Depend on the number of kids signed up.