The North Baltimore Youth League had a public meeting on Jan. 28th to induct new officers and discuss the changes within the league.
NBYL Officers are:
Jessie Hosley – President
Ashley Miklovic Inbody – Vice President
Lori Schwartz – Secretary
At this time a new treasurer had not been inducted, we are still looking to get this position filled. A couple days after the meeting we received notification of new patron of North Baltimore being interested in becoming an Officer. I will be getting in touch with this person shortly to discuss the duties required to fulfill the season before she makes her final decision.
The Officers discussed with the parents that had shown for the meeting on splitting the division up as we had a couple of years ago. It was determined to be more beneficial for the girls that are age appropriate for 10U to 18U to go to Hancock County Girls Fastpitch League, and that the boys and girls that are in T-Ball and 8U stay with Southwood League for the season.
After several minutes of discussion we had determined that we did not have enough information on how the boys league was ran within the Hancock League to make it a fun and adventurous season for the boys. We also wanted to make sure the T-Ball and 8U children would have a season and also possible tournaments.
The following dates are set for sign-ups February 14th at the High School and February 18th at the Library. Children will be coming up with sign-up sheet reminders and cost, age requirements etc, will also be sending your establishments the same along with a copy of the registration, by Feb. 8th.
submitted by Jessie Hosley