The North Baltimore Homecoming will take place from October 10th through October 14th this year. Here are the photos and bios of the King and Queen Candidates, along with the Homecoming Court.
Freshmen Attendants:

Levi Gazarek is the son of Marty and Holly Gazarek. He enjoys playing football, basketball, and baseball for NBHS. In his spare time, he loves hanging out with family and friends. Levi also enjoys making artwork and jogging and running distance.

Brennin Gray-DuVall is the daughter of Holli Gray-Luring, Jeremy Luring, and John DuVall. Brennin participates in track, quiz bowl, marching band, and golf here at NBHS. In her free time she enjoys volunteering because she loves helping others, as well as art and drawing. She plans on continuing her volunteer efforts in the future with more of a focus on helping the elderly and people with special needs. Brennin also plans to travel to a third world country while in high school for a mission trip.
Sophomore Attendants:

Bryant Matthes is the son of Matt and Arica Matthes. He plays football, basketball, and baseball here at NBHS. Outside of school, he enjoys spending time with friends and family, especially his Great Grandpa Kidd and Grandpa Bankey who he works with on the farm.

Cristina Morales is the daughter of Zailett Morales and Richard Morales. Cristina participates in cheerleading and track, as well as student council and the community service group, Paws for a Cause. Outside of school she enjoys spending time with family and friends.
Junior Attendants:

Giovanni Greco is the son of Christy Greco and Nicholas Greco. He plays football here at NBHS. In his free time, he enjoys sleeping, eating, spending time with friends and family, and being outside.

Hailey Powell is the daughter of Charlotte Powell. She is a member of cheerleading, the Toledo Rugby team, and the marching band. In the past, she has also participated in volleyball, track, and basketball. Hailey was also a Rotary Exchange student to New Zealand in 2015.
Senior Candidates:

Aurelian Greeno is the son of Heather and Troy Greeno. Here at NBHS, Aurelian is president of Paws for a Cause and Senior Class Vice President. He is also an active member of Quiz Bowl, Art Club, iWrite, and Drama Club. In the future, he plans on attending The Ohio State University to pursue a degree in astrophysics.

Cassidy Hiser is the daughter of Julie and Garry Hiser. She stays very busy here at NBHS where she is a member of the volleyball, basketball, and track teams, as well as a member of Paws for a Cause, and President of Student Council. Outside of school she participates in Glamour Gals, where she helps at a nursing home. In her free time, Cassidy enjoys spending time with friends and family. Upon graduation, Cassidy plans on attending BGSU to study education.

Haylee Hopple is the daughter of Sarah and Daniel Hopple. Haylee plays volleyball and softball here at NBHS. She is also a matmaid and plays on a travel softball team called the Blackhawks. In her spare time, she enjoys hanging out with friends and her boyfriend Lance. Upon graduation, Haylee plans to go to college to become a corrections officer, with the hopes of one day becoming a judge.

Makayla Light is the daughter of Aaron Butch and Kelly Light. Makayla plays softball, volleyball, and basketball here at NBHS. She is also a member of Paws for a Cause, secretary of student council, and participates in the Glamour Gals Organization. After graduation, she hopes to attend The University of Toledo for pharmacy.

Noah Brian is the son of Rob and Shelley Brian. At North Baltimore, he participates in basketball, football, and track. In his spare time, he enjoys hanging out with friends, riding dirt bikes and four wheelers, and spending time with his girlfriend and family. After graduation, his plans are to attend The University of Findlay to major in communications.

Tanner Gray-Duvall is the son of Holli and Jeremy Gray-Luring and John DuVall. Here at NBHS, Tanner is involved in the marching, jazz, and pep band. He is also an active member of the golf team, Paws for a Cause, and Quiz Bowl. He has been taking post-secondary classes at BGSU since his sophomore year of high school. In his spare time, Tanner enjoys art, music, photography, reading, learning German, hanging out with friends, and playing video games. In the future, he plans to attend BGSU to study pre-med, then go to med school to become a plastic surgeon. Tanner also hopes to take a year in college to study in Austria.
2015 Queen and King:

Last year’s queen, Kenzie Carles is the daughter of Ty and Kathy Carles. Kenzie is currently a student at BGSU were she is pursuing a degree in business, with a specialization in marketing. She works at the Wood County Hospital in registration and likes to spend her extra time with friends and family. She is honored to be walking across the field for the third time, this time to crown the new queen.
The 2015 Homecoming King was Alex Nichols. He is the Son of Mike and Nicki Nichols and Ted and Teresa Francisco. Alex is currently serving our county in the US Army and is stationed in Pensacola FL, where he is studying military intelligence, and has applied for airborne school. His brothers, Chase, Grady, and Cole are representing him since he cannot be here today. Chase graduated from NB in 2014 and now works at Sunbelt Rental in Findlay. Grady is in 1st grade at Powell Elementary and loves spending time with his brothers and helping his dad at the fire hall. Cole is 3 years old and his favorite things are trains, dinosaurs, swimming, and mowing the yard with daddy.
Thank you Alex for your service to our country!
Prince and Princess: Kindergarten Attendants:
Macie Baltz is the daughter of Nate and Mandy Baltz. She has two sisters, Morgan and Kyleigh, and enjoys playing outside, swimming, and playing with her dogs. Macie’s favorite color is purple, and when she grows up she wants to be a teacher just like Mrs. Teynor.
Landon Roberts is the son of Matthew Roberts and Nicole Buchanan. He has two siblings, Carson and Brooklyn Roberts. Landon’s favorite color is green, and he loves riding his bike and playing Batman. When Landon grows up, he either wants to be a firefighter or Batman.

Previously posted info:
Spirit days started on Monday, October 10th with Pajama day. On Tuesday, students and staff will dress up by participating in teacher/student swap day. For Wednesday, the theme is “what NOT to wear”. On Thursday, NB will dress up as their favorite superhero or super villain. Then as usual, the week will end with Tiger Spirit Day on Friday as the school shows their spirit in hopes that the Tigers defeat Leipsic.
Also during this week each class, 7th through 12th grade, will participate in The Battle of the Classes by doing different activities such as tug of war during the pep rally.
The annual Powder Puff game has been scheduled for Wednesday, October 12th at 7 p.m. at the football field, with the bonfire following. Practice for powder puff will be before the game Wednesday at 6 p.m.
Parade lineup will be Friday, October 14th at 4:45 in front of Powell, with step off at 5:30. Come out and support your NB Tigers and court!
The Homecoming dance will be held on October 15th from 7 p.m. to 10:30 p.m. in the auditeria. All students 9-12 grade are encouraged to attend. Cost is $5 and tickets can be purchased at the door. Please wear your formal attire.
Here is a link to last year’s homecoming: Homecoming Fall 2015 Photo Gallery
One Response
What a wonderful honor it is for two of our grandchildren to be part of the homecoming court! We are proud of their accomplishments!