This information is provided for parents, students and area residents to review, provided by North Baltimore High School Principal, Bob Frankenstein. This schedule includes:
PARCC: Partnership for Assessment of Readiness for College and Careers. This is for math and English Language Arts tests, aka the federal Common Core subjects
AIRs: American Institute for Research. This is for social studies and science tests based on Ohio’s standards (not common core)
OGT: Ohio Graduation Test. This is the last year that Sophomores have to pass all 5 sections of the OGT to graduate.
The high school staff divided each grade level into teams, so that each team member had a computer to take the tests, as the test is completely computerized.
The results are scheduled to be available in October, 2015.
Starting with this year’s freshmen, students earn graduation points through their performance on the PARCCs and AIRs. These points are required to get a diploma. There are alternative routes such as vocational training, through Penta JVS. For more information, contact the school.
In the NB District, one student has “opted out” of this testing.
Here is the schedule – Updated: Updated: March 10, 2015:
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