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Noah Pelton Completes Boy Scout Eagle Project

Noah Pelton, with Boy Scouts of America Troop 315 (North Baltimore), recently completed his Eagle Scout project at the New Maplewood Cemetery in North Baltimore. Two entryway pillars were constructed  at the entrance of the cemetery.
Noah with a drawing of his original plans
Noah with a drawing of his original plans
Getting started on the foundation for one of the pillars
Getting started on the foundation for one of the pillars

He began his project by seeking funding and quotes in early July. His project received the needed funding through Hancock-Wood Electric Cooperative’s Operation Round-Up and the North Baltimore American Legion.

David Richmond of North Baltimore, spent many hours working on Noah’s project. His team of devoted workers included Yancy Richmond, Joe Gazarek and Doyle Griffith. Doug Wickard, (employee of The Village of North Baltimore) was also instrumental in the smooth completion of the project. They all volunteered their time to help Noah complete his project.
Last summer
Last summer
Working hard
Working hard
Noah seems pleased with the way his plan is coming together
Noah seems pleased with the way his plan is coming together
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Doyle Griffith, David Richmond, Noah Pelton, Joe Gazarek, Yancy Richmond standing near the completed project–Well Done Noah and Crew!
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Doyle, David. Noah, Joe, Yancy–Thank you for this wonderful contribution to North Baltimore!
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Joe Gazarek, Yancy Richmond, Noah Pelton, David Richmond
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Noah in front of one of the two pillars at the entrance of New Maplewood Cemetery

(You can “click” on any of the pictures to enlarge them)

The North Baltimore Garden Club has offered to landscape around the pillars in the spring.

These men and organizations are a reminder to Noah and his family, just how blessed we are to live in a community of such giving and supportive people.

Noah is a sophomore at North Baltimore High School. He is the son of Kirk Pelton (NB) and Jim and Mary Casey (NB). He is also the grandson of Mike and Diane Julien (NB), Pat Huffman (Findlay) and the late Butch Pelton.

Along with Boy Scouts, Noah is active in Cross Country, Track, Student Council, Tri-M and he is a percussionist in the band. He is also a member of Holy Family Catholic Church.

Please take a moment to visit the cemetery and see the completed pillars.

To earn the rank of Eagle Scout, a Boy Scout must:

Progress through the ranks in the following order:  Scout, Tenderfoot, Second Class, First Class, Star, Life, Eagle.

They must also earn a minimum of  21 merit badges, and serve six months in a troop leadership position.

They must then plan, develop, and give leadership to a service project for any religious organization or any school or community.

They must take part in a Scoutmaster conference. Finally, a scout must successfully  complete an Eagle Scout board of review.

5 Responses

  1. The pillars look great and make for a great entrance to the cemetery. Well done by you and your brick laying crew!

  2. Congratulations from a fellow Troop 315 Eagle Scout. Very well done, good luck with your board of review Noah. You will be shocked how far this accomplishment will take you in life.


  3. I’m so proud of you, Noah! You’re an incredible young man and I can’t wait to see the finished product in person! Job well done, nephew!

  4. Congratulations to Noah and his family. Completing an Eagle project is a very big deal and puts him in an elite group. Thanks to him and the people who helped him get it done because it looks great. Good luck at your Eagle Scout review board, Noah!

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