The North Baltimore Village Council met at 7: 00pm on Tuesday evening, December 6. All Council Members were present.
Some of the highlights and discussions included:
Emily Meyerson, NB Local Schools Vocal Music Educator asked for permission to close the 200 block of North Main Street on Tuesday, December 20 for Christmas caroling at the Gazebo. The NBHS Choir is inviting the community to join them in the caroling, and to bring canned food donations. There will be free hot cocoa available. (The Council agreed to close the street from 6:00pm to 8:00pm)
Wood County Project Linus coordinator and NB resident Margaret Bobb was present to donate blankets to the NB EMS. The hand-made blankets will be given to children during EMS runs or other emergency situations where they may be facing trauma or crisis. It was suggested that some blankets also be given to the NB Police Department. Chief Baer said he would be glad to accept them.
The Village Administrator Allyson Murray called attention to the new communication tower that was installed last Friday morning, next to Village Hall. One of the features of this new tower is it’s ability to read all the water meters in the community.
Ms. Murray also reminded all present that winter weather reminders were mailed to village residents with their last water bill.
The Council approved the hiring of Mr. Ben Van Atta as a part time EMS employee of the village.
The Council also authorized the hiring of a part time Police dispatcher, William Gesagee. He will start immediately.
Village Solicitor Chet Marcin, who will be retiring at the end of 2016 from that position, informed the council that he had amended the solicitation ordinance as requested. He also recommended the village consider a retainer with Clemans- Nelson for a period of one year at a cost of $175 per month. They would assist the village in a legal matter concerning a civil rights commission complaint.
The Personnel, Policy, and Ordinance Review Committee has scheduled a meeting to begin the process of finding a suitable replacement for the Village Solicitor.
The Public Safety Committee shared a multiple page document that has been drafted concerning providing EMS service for Henry Township residents. There was a considerable amount of discussion and apparent frustration in the council chambers over this topic. A motion to table any action until the December 20th meeting was approved.