Sunday Sermon
“Accepting Grace”
Note from the Pastor:
I believe it is hard for people to believe in and accept grace. It is even harder for people to extend grace to someone that has wronged them. For us to be able to give grace, we first need to accept the fact that we need grace. God has given grace to all people. We need to believe that we need grace and we need to accept it to the point that it transforms our life!
It is human nature for us not to be able to accept good things. We are suspicious about good things coming to us. God wants us to receive His grace and the only thing He wants in return, is for us to give up everything that He never intended us to be when He created us!
Please join us this Sunday and accept His Amazing Grace!
God Bless,
Pastor Jon
Pastors Jon & Theresa Rhinehart
Praise Chapel PCG
P.O. Box 254
500 W. Broadway St.
North Baltimore, Ohio 45872
(419) 408-HOPE (4673)
“Proclaiming and Demonstrating the Love of Jesus”
Service Times:
Sunday Worship Service ~ 10:30 am
Thursday Bible Study ~ 6:30 pm
Church Office Hours:
Monday – Thursdays ~ 10:00am to 3pm
Panera Bread Day
Every Wednesday ~ 12:00pm to 3pm