The Governor has stated that parks remaining open are important as an outlet to allow citizens the opportunity to get some fresh air and exercise during this time. We consider our parks to be essential infrastructure and we consider select staffing an essential government function as defined in the Ohio Director of Health’s stay at home order.
As northwest Ohio has had the return of spring weather, Park District staff have numerous essential responsibilities that need to be performed. Park District department heads have established lists of responsibilities that have been deemed essential tasks which must be completed in order to keep the parks safe and accessible for public use. Park District staff will be limited to performing only those tasks that are deemed essential during this time.
It is important to stress a number of items included in the order of the Director of Health. First and foremost, park visitors as well as Park District employees must comply with social distancing requirements. In order to keep parks open and accessible for public use people need to make sure they are keeping a minimum of 6-feet between themselves and others. Park District staff has also been alerted to refrain from entering normal shared areas such as lunchrooms and shared offices, keeping all activities in areas that are large enough to meet social distancing requirements.
Frequent hand washing and the use of hand sanitizer is required as possible. Any sick employees are to stay home and notify their supervisor. Employees are to remain home until they are free of fever without the use of medication for at least 72 hours and symptoms have improved for at least 72 hours and at least seven days have passed since symptoms first began.
Please abide by the safe distancing guidelines and enjoy your time in your Wood County parks!