Michael Sibbersen, Wood County Auditor reminds dog owners that February 2, is the deadline for 2015 dog registrations.
A registration fee of $14.00 must be paid with the application for each dog registered. The information necessary for registration is age, sex, color, length of hair, whether spayed or neutered, breed of the dog and the name, address and phone number of the owner.
**NEW** Dogs may be registered for a 1 year or 3 year term or a permanent license (for the dog’s life). When completing the application, choose your “Term” (1 Year, 3 Year or Permanent). The 3 Year and Permanent License may only be purchased by mail or in person at the Wood County Auditor’s Office. Fees are: 1 Year License =$14.00, 3 Year License =$42.00 and Permanent License =$140.00. No Refunds Permitted
A kennel fee of $70.00 must be paid with the application and additional tags are available for $1.00 each for kennels with more than five dogs. Penalty fees will be collected on registrations received after February 2, in the amount equal to the registration fee for each type of license. Therefore the penalty would be $14.00 for regular licenses and $70.00 for kennel licenses in addition to the regular registration fee.
Persons acquiring dogs after January 31 have 30 days after the date of acquisition or the date that the dog reaches three months of age to register with the Auditor’s Office.
The 2015 dog registration may be filed by mail, in person, or on the internet. When mailing the application please include the license fee, dog information (as stated above) and a self-addressed stamped envelope for return of the license with a postmark of February 2, this year due to the deadline falling on Saturday. Licenses can be purchased in person at the Wood County Auditor’s Office, 2nd floor of the county office building between 8:30 and 4:30 Monday thru Friday or at the Wood County Dog Shelter. Internet applications may be made at http://dogtags.co.wood.oh.us/ and does require an additional $2.00 processing fee per license which goes to the online firm processing the credit card purchase. Please do not send cash with your mail-in application. If you have questions regarding a dog license please contact 419-354-9150.
The Wood County District Board of Health has adopted a regulation requiring all dogs be immunized against rabies please provide the rabies information in the application process.
Mail applications to:
Michael Sibbersen
Wood County Auditor
One Courthouse Square
PO Box 368
Bowling Green, OH 43402