Last week, Ohio Senators Rob Portman and Sherrod Brown joined the majority of the Senate to pass a GE labeling “compromise” bill. Unfortunately, that compromise gave away the store! It was extremely disappointing to all of us who have worked toward an honest and transparent labeling system for GE food.
The Roberts-Stabenow GE “non-labeling” bill, is so riddled with loopholes and problematic definitions that it is likely to be challenged in court. Even the U.S. Department of Agriculture and the Food and Drug Administration are also at odds over the bill.
Worse yet, it disadvantages rural, low-income, and elderly people who may lack the smart phones and data plans required to scan each item and visit a website for information before each purchase.
Despite all of the problems and concerns, powerful biotech lobbies have been very successful at fast tracking this bill. It will be voted on in the House this week and then sent to the President’s desk.
President Obama can either sign or veto the bill or neglect to sign it while Congress is in session (a pocket veto).
Call the President today: (202) 456-1111
Tell him to veto this bill and keep his campaign promise to allow the public their right to know what they eat.