The Northwestern Water and Sewer District will replace a water line serving the Village of Hoytville with assistance from a low-interest loan from Ohio EPA. The project ensures delivery of a safe, plentiful water supply to Hoytville and surrounding areas.
The project will replace a 6-inch diameter water line along Bays Road that is undersized compared to the lines feeding into it and those downstream. The undersized section causes a bottleneck in the system, making distribution of water to Hoytville and nearby areas unreliable. This project will install a new 8-inch diameter line to assure adequate capacity.
Created in 1998, the Water Supply Revolving Loan Account (WSRLA) provides below-market interest rate loans for compliance-related improvements for community water systems and non-profit, non-community public water systems. The reduced interest rate on this $312,968 loan will save the water district an estimated $65,000 compared to a conventional, market-rate loan.
Projects eligible for WSRLA funding include design and construction loans for new, replaced, rehabilitated, upgraded or expanded water treatment plants and their components. In addition, the WSRLA can provide technical assistance to public drinking water systems in a variety of areas from the planning, design and construction of improvements to enhancing the technical, managerial and financial capacity of these systems.
Ohio EPAs revolving loan funds are partially supported by federal grants and designed to last indefinitely through repayment of loans and investments in bonds. The WSRLA is managed jointly by Ohio EPAs Division of Environmental and Financial Assistance and Division of Drinking and Ground Waters, with assistance from the Ohio Water Development Authority. Ohio EPA is responsible for program development and implementation, individual project coordination, and environmental and other technical reviews/approvals of projects seeking funds. The Ohio Water Development Authority provides financial management of the fund.
More information about the WSRLA is available at: