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Ohio Urban Forestry News

From Stephanie Miler, Regional Urban Forester, Ohio DNR

It is a new year and there are many opportunities to grow and learn in 2019.  Below are just a few events and articles!   

Young Tree Structural Pruning Class- Findlay

January 9, 2019

Donnell Lodge, Camp Berry, 11716 Co Rd 40, Findlay (enter west entrance)

Want to learn one of the easiest, most cost-effective tree maintenance activities your community, agency, or company can do? Young tree structural pruning takes a little bit to learn, but has a lifetime of benefits by improving the value of your trees & tree canopy and heading off costly storm damage. Join us for this hands-on experience…and you get to meet other cool people doing tree stuff!


Lunch with voluntary donation (because we’re a little way from town we’re bringing it in)

Dress for the weather

Bring hand tools if you have them (nothing power…these are baby trees)

RSVP not required, but REALLY appreciated to [email protected] (want to make sure we have enough lunch for everyone)

ISA CEUs available

Tree Commission Academy Celebrates 10 Years

This one-of-a-kind class is a must for anyone making or helping to make public tree care decisions. Developed in Ohio for Ohio public administrators/managers, tree commissioners, urban foresters, and tree commissioners. Visit the TCA website for details. Make sure to check out the TCA Catalogue too. Hope to see you and your team at a TCA in 2019.

Freshman Day 2 Class – Bryan

January 17, 2019

Thank you to the City of Bryan for working with us to find a new date for day 2. Hopefully no ice storm this time! I’ll mail new maps and syllabuses soon. We’ll be scheduling the sophomore class on this day and will let everyone know the dates soon thereafter.

Freshman Class – Oak Harbor

Date and time TBD, but it will be an after-hours class for working folks. The Snow Birds should also be back to Ohio too. Watch for more details.

Sophomore Class – Tipp City

January 16-17, 2019

Hey sophomores! Here’s an opportunity to continue your TCA experience. Return your applications by January 9th for your seat. 

Senior Class – Whitehouse

January 18, 2019

March 7, 2019 Graduation date

If you’ve completed the Freshman-Junior TCA classes, we have one last senior class scheduled for this season. I’ll be sending updated applications to all candidates next week. If you have representatives from your community graduating, please watch your mailboxes for invitations to their graduation ceremony. They’ve invested a lot of their time into this unique experience on behalf of your local program, so it’s wonderful to have you there to celebrate their accomplishments.

TCA Alums

Remember that if you’ve taken the class, you may take any again for free. We do ask that you donate a little to the host for lunch if you’re able. Let me know via e-mail if you’re interested in any of the upcoming classes.

2018 Tree City USAs

I’ll send an updated list of all the Tree Cities and Campuses next week. Login contacts, check your e-mails for revision requests.

2019 Tree City USA Awards Program

April 17, 2019

Crestline, Ohio

Mark your calendars today for Northwest Ohio’s largest Urban Forestry gathering! We hope that all Tree Cities, Tree Campuses, and Tree Line utilities will join us to receive your 2018 award. It’s a tree-mendous way to meet others who do the same kinds of things and to continue to strengthen NW Ohio’s tree care community. All communities are welcome to join us for this day of celebration and sharing. It’s a wonderful way to show your tree commission/board volunteers, staff, and officials how much you appreciate the work they do! 

Invitations will be mailed to all Tree City community Mayors/Executives and local contact persons in February. All past Tree Cities as well as towns who meet most of the standards will also receive an invitation via US Post. Invitations will be e-mailed to everyone on my contact list then also. Crestline is planning a fun day for us all, so watch your mailboxes and e-mails in February for invitations.

Ohio Urban Forestry 40th Anniversary Forum

June 21, 2019

Ohio State Fairgrounds Natural Resources Park

Instead of the NW Ohio Urban Forestry Seminar, this year we’ll be gathering statewide to celebrate YOU! We have a lot in the works for this special anniversary celebration including distinguished guests, a walking tour, yummy food, and some fun take-home stuff. We’re excited to announce that Dr. Jason Graboski of Rutgers (one of THE most entertaining and knowledgeable speakers on trees and urban forestry) will be our guest presenter. 

Watch for details.  Let’s have a big turnout from our corner of the state!

Video Training: Tree Risk Assessment and Management

The Nebraska Forest Service recently developed and hosted a series of tree risk assessment and management workshops throughout the state.  These “hands-on” workshops were developed to assist those who manage trees in their community to better understand potential risk, how to address it, and how to proactively manage the community forest.  

Click here for more information about this series

All of these seminars are now available for (free) viewing and sharing and can be found online.

Tighten up Those Tree Specifications and Contracts

Quality work starts with good planning. It’s imperative to have quality specifications and contracts for all of your community’s tree care activities. Visit the Ohio Urban Forestry Toolbox for a series of helpful samples and resources. Contact me if you can’t find what you need or if you’d like an extra set of eyes for your documents. Quality specs and contracts help protect your community, citizens, and the contractors by clarifying work expectations and ensuring safe practices. They are a very wise investment in your urban forestry program.

Here are a few of the most popular items:

ANSI Standards and BMP Guides (because we all should have a copy of these in our town hall)

Risk Mitigation and Street Clearance Pruning

Planting (full specs) (ONLA/Division of Forestry specs included)

Why Hire an Arborist (because we need to stop paying unqualified people to do tree work)

Find and Arborist and Verify Credentials (I suggest using Postal Code with 50-75 mile radius)

Hazards of tree felling and trimming operations PERRP Safety Alert

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