GOST 2022 Talent Show Registration Form
The North Baltimore High School Drama Club, sponsored by the NB Music Boosters is pleased to present a Talent Show as part of the Good Ole’ Summertime festival on Saturday, July 30, 2022.
The Talent Show will take place on the festival’s main stage (in the Millstream parking lot) at 11:30 a.m. and last approximately an hour. The show will be free and open to the public.
While all types of acts will be accepted, this will be a family-friendly show.
The show will be judged by a panel of guest judges and prizes will be given for second place, third place, and runner-up, with a cash prize for first place.
To register for the show, please see the guidelines below, fill out a registration form and turn it in with your $20.00 registration fee. Acts will be accepted on a first-come, first serve basis, and no repeat acts will be accepted. If your act is not accepted you will be refunded your registration fee.
Registration fees can be paid with cash, or check to NB Music Boosters, and should be turned in with your registration form. We will not accept acts that have not completed all registration steps.
Forms and money can be turned in at the North Baltimore Public Library during regular business hours from July 13 to July 27, 2022.
If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to reach out to Emily Meyerson at [email protected].
GOST Talent Show Act Guidelines:
· Acts should be between 3-5 minutes.
· The show is open to all ages.
· ALL ACTS must be family-friendly. Please listen carefully to song choices.
· Your act should have a name.
· You may apply for more than one act.
· Please make sure your act has backing music, especially if you are singing. This can be emailed to Emily Meyerson at the above email address. Please email us if you need to make arrangements to get a physical copy of your music to us (i.e. a thumb drive). If we have not received your music by Thursday, July 28, 2022, your act will be removed from the show.
o (Karaoke tracks of most songs can be found on YouTube and iTunes)
· There will be no refunds, unless the event organizers do not accept your act into the show.
· Once registration forms and fees have been turned in and your act has been accepted, no changes can be made to the act.