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“Our Lives Have Changed”

The New York Times reported a story many years ago about David Storch, a music teacher who borrowed a special copy of the score of Handel’s Messiah from the Brooklyn Public Library. Due to a clerical error, no one entered it into the records that he had checked it out. As a result, when people came to ask to see the copy, the librarians looked all over the library and couldn’t find it.

The librarians were often very frustrated as people asked for this copy of Handel’s Messiah. But one day David Storch returned what he had borrowed. He was shocked at the reaction of the clerk on the other side of the desk! As she took it from him, the librarian, shouted in her loudest voice, “The Messiah is here! The Messiah is here!” Every person in the Brooklyn Public Library turned to see what was going on.

The New York Times, reported that within a very few minutes, everyone had noticeably returned to their own work. The excitement was over.

I believe the words of the librarian: the Messiah is here! I’m referring to the real Messiah, Jesus Christ, not the musical score. I believe he came into our world some 2000 years ago. We’re beginning to celebrate an event these which had planned from almost the beginning, when God promised a Savior, a Redeemer.

What we’re celebrating this month is that God stepped into time. God came down, known forever as Jesus. Jesus is God’s promise. Jesus is the Messiah, the one who offers forgiveness, redemption, and eternal life.

I firmly believe that the Messiah, Jesus Christ, is present in our daily lives. This is cause for great joy! Shouting even! Our lives are changed because Jesus enters our lives on a daily basis

In the next several weeks, we’re supposed to shout, so to speak, “The Messiah is here! The Messiah is here!” Unfortunately, there are louder and seemingly more appealing shouts, which are sometimes covered with glitter, colored lights, and gift-wrap. (Nothing wrong with that, but they CAN get a little too loud, helping us to forget the real message.)

I’d like to ask this of us today: after Christmas this year, will we return to our lives “as usual.” Or will the celebrating of the coming of the Messiah into our lives make a difference this year?

I hope and pray that this Christmas WILL make a difference in our lives! Messiah is here!

Back to work as usual? Or will we become more spiritually mature, and closer to God? Let’s get closer to God, by celebrating the birth of Christ Jesus!

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