Sunday Sermon Title:
Easter Monday ~The Day After!
Note from the Pastor:
What was it like for the disciples after Easter Sunday? Have you ever thought about what Monday must have been like for the disciples of Christ? I will be preaching on this subject Sunday morning. I believe it will be a blessing to you and your family.
Join us in worship this Sunday as we praise our risen King! Jesus has changed everything! I am excited to preach this message that the Lord has given me!
Also, I am starting up a Thursday night Bible study. The Bible study will start this Thursday, April 9th at 6:30 PM. Bring your Bible, notepad, pen, and be ready to learn the Bible!
If you and your family do not have a home church or if you have never been to church, I invite you and your family to come and be part of our family!
God Bless,
Pastor Jon
Pastors Jon & Theresa Rhinehart
Praise Chapel PCG
P.O. Box 254
500 W. Broadway St.
(419) 408-HOPE (4673) Prayer & Info Line
Service Times:
Sunday School ~ 9:30 am
Sunday Worship Service ~ 10:30 am
Thursday Bible Study ~ 6:30 pm