I was given a wonderful opportunity recently: I was Bible Study leader at a Vacation Bible School (VBS) for adults at St. John’s Lutheran Church in McComb. It was a very enjoyable time for me. We read and discussed 25 main Bible verses and sections through the week. There were a number of activities in the Bible Study, even a craft with scissors, crayons, and tape!
The theme of the adult VBS was “My Favorite Color is Love” which was the title of a theme song I wrote for the children’s VBS at St. Luke’s Lutheran Church in North Baltimore in 1989. The main verse of the Bible Study was Psalm 103:8. “The Lord is merciful and loving, slow to become angry and full of constant love.”
Each day’s theme was based on a color and a Bible reference. Yellow (sun) was God sent his Son. Blue (sea/water) was God as Shepherd leading us to still, peaceful waters. Green (tree) was Jesus as vine, we the branches. Red (heart) was how the love of God lives within us. Gold (a heavenly color), saying that the gates of heaven are gold. My personal favorite line speaks of heaven as “a place where there is never hate.”
One day I gave a Powerpoint presentation based on the book: “Praying in Color.” The focus was how to pray using paper, crayons, markers. We prayed in thanksgiving, confession, and intercession. We prayed for many people during the week. One day we drew a vine, representing Jesus, with attached branches and leaves with the names of people we were praying for.
At one point, I once asked participants a few of questions: “How many of you have received a sheet of paper drawn and colored by a child?” I asked why children do this. After some discussion, I asked, “When is the last time that you, an adult, drew a picture, colored a page, and gave it to a child, a friend, a co-worker?”
Along with giving the page as a gift, this can be a great way to teach about faith, prayer, and our connection to Jesus. When you give a child some of your artwork, you can make it a teaching moment. For example, you can draw and color the word “faith.” In the giving you can share what that word means to you. You can draw and color the word “joy” and share what the “joy in the Lord” means to you. You can write and color a favorite Bible verse. You can read that verse with a child or grandchild, and give them your drawing.
When you give an adult some of your artwork, you can assure them that you’ve prayed for them, that you truly care about them. Ask God to bless each stroke of the pencil or crayon, praying for the child or adult you’re drawing for. The possibilities are endless. The great thing is that you don’t have to be a great artist, nor a “professional” pray-er.
So, get our some paper and pencil, markers and crayons. Pray in color. Put the Word of God on paper in your own design.
May God bless your praying, sharing, and giving. Amen.