Here are the latest programs available through the Wood County Park District:
PIPs: Dragonflies and Art in the Park
Friday, June 1; 10:00 am – noon
WW Knight Nature Preserve
29530 White Road, Perrysburg
Look for dragonflies through their life cycle and create artwork guided by local artist Valerie Rowley. Register at, or call (419) 353-1897
Paddle the Pond
Every Monday, June-August; 4:00 – 7:30 pm
W.W. Knight Nature Preserve
29530 White Road, Perrysburg
Enjoy a float on the pond at W.W. Knight Nature Preserve; perfect for a family outing, comfort-builder for beginners, or relaxing exercise! An instructor will be available for introductory safety and skills education. All boats, life-jackets, and paddles provided. Boats and gear on a first-come-first-served basis. Enjoy a nature walk while you wait!
The last Monday of every month will feature kayaks along with canoes: June 26, July 24, August 28.
Kayak Safety & Rescue
Saturday, June 2; 9:00 am – 2:00 pm
Three Meadows Pond
700 Three Meadows Drive, Perrysburg
Join American Canoeing Association instructors to advance your kayak safety and rescue skills. Be prepared to take a swim through this involved course that will help you keep all boats afloat and prepare you for when they don’t. See online description for full details and registration requirements. Cost: $25, FWCP $20
Register at, or call (419) 353-1897
Senior Nature Hike Series
Mondays, June 4 and August 6, 10:00 – 11:30 am
June 4: WW Knight Nature Preserve
29530 White Road, Perrysburg
August 6: Otsego Park
20000 West River Road, Bowling Green
Join a naturalist for exercise and the wonder of watching the seasonal changes. The hikes will offer a true mind-body connection. Register at, or call (419) 353-1897
Bird Song I.D. Part Two
Tuesday, June 6; 7:00 – 8:30 pm
Slippery Elm Trail: Cricket Frog Cove
14810 Freyman Road, Cygnet
Get some experience listening for breeding birds as we build upon skills learned in March’s bird song program. Register at, or call (419) 353-1897
EcoLit Book Group Meeting
Thursday, June 7, 7:00 – 9:00 pm
W.W. Knight Nature Preserve
Friends’ Green Room
29530 White Road, Perrysburg
For this meeting, please read The Nature Principle: Reconnecting with Life in a Virtual Age by Richard Louv. Group meets once a month. Register for any or all. Discussion leader: Cheryl Lachowski, Senior Lecturer, BGSU English Dept. and Ohio Certified Volunteer Naturalist (OCVN). Register at, or call (419) 353-1897
Bike Skills Bash
Sunday, June 10; 1:00 – 3:00 pm
Black Swamp Preserve
1014 South Maple Street, Bowling Green
Learn from the pros of Spoke Life Cycles as they teach fundamental skills to conquer off-road biking challenges and features. Bring your own bike and helmet. This class is appropriate for riders of all skill levels! Register at, or call (419) 353-1897
Open Bouldering
Wednesday, June 13; 6:00 – 8:00 pm
Sawyer Quarry Nature Preserve
26940 Lime City Road, Perrysburg
Come anytime between 6:00 and 8:00 to get hands-on with the quarry rock as staff share knowledge, tips, and tricks to get beginners climbing safely in this ever-challenging outdoor sport. Crash pads for safe landing and limited chalk supplied. Wear flexible, yet sturdy footwear with good grip. No registration needed.
Night Nature
Thursday, June 14; 9:00 – 10:30 pm
Sawyer Quarry Nature Preserve
26940 Lime City Road, Perrysburg
When the sun sets not everybody goes to bed, experience the park after dark and learn about some fascinating creatures that wake after the gates normally close. Register at, or call (419) 353-1897
Canoe with Clean Streams
Friday, June 15; 6:30 – 8:30 pm
Orleans Park
Maumee Western Reserve Road, Perrysburg
Partners for Clean Streams is a local non-profit working towards clean, clear, and safe water for everyone by educating people on ways to be better stewards of our waterways and their connected habitats. Join them and a naturalist as we paddle around Audubon Island to search for the wildlife and showcase our scenic river. $8/$5 FWCP
Register at, or call (419) 353-1897