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Public Meeting held Saturday for “old school property” zoning change

The North Baltimore Village Council held a public hearing for the zoning change request made for the south half of “the old school” property on West Water, between 2nd Street and Frazier.

In attendance were council members Leslee Thompson, Bill Cameron and President of Council, Janet Goldner, who ran the meeting. Also in attendance for the village were Mayor Mike Julien (CORRECTION – Julien was excused), Clerk Rick Van Mooy, Village Administrator Donna Dettling and Village Legal Council Chet Marcin.

Nearly two dozen public packed into the undersized village council chambers, with nine folks addressing council. None of those who spoke to council thought that the change, of the roughly 2 acres to a business/commercial classification, was a bad idea. All that spoke thought that the zoning change for a Reineke dealership parking area expansion, was, in fact a good idea. However, more than half who spoke, did agree, that council needs to put safeguards in place to ensure that the neighborhood is not adversely affected, and that proper paved surfaces, with proper drainage and nice, low-impact lighting, along with some screening be included, in whatever the Reineke dealership plans were to include.

Concern was also stated regarding possible uses of the land in the future, if Reineke were to sell the property. Concern was also brought as to what might happen on the north half of the lot, if per chance someone else were to purchase the land and request a similar change in the zoning designation, but not with a plan that was as agreeable as what is being proposed by Reineke.

John Sponslor said he favors the Reineke expansion, but suggested the school is not getting a good price for the land, and the council should consider voting “no for now,” and working on a new zoning classification.

Council will have 30 days from the hearing to make some type of decision. Council does have the topic on their agenda for possible action for the meeting at 7:30 this evening (11/18).

3 Responses

  1. The mayor was not at this meeting even tho it says he was. Janet Goldner excused the mayor and other council members that were not there.

    1. Thanks NB04 – I “almost” caught this when I proofed the article, but then “forgot” about it… (getting old or something!)

  2. have no idea why this should be an issue..
    besides it will get the Cars parked on BOTH sides of water street off the street – reducing it to 1 lane making it impossible to get down water in the winter..

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