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February 11, 2025 1:02 pm

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Public Notice: Mayor Schedules Public Meeting To Discuss Street Levy

by Sue Miklovic

Mayor Aaron Patterson is leading a meeting/discussion at the Village of North Baltimore Municipal Building for the purpose of discussing the needs and funding of the roads and streets and their repairs, replacement, maintenance, care, etc. The meeting begins at 2:00pm on Friday, June 7, 2024 and is a public meeting.

The current Road Levy (Street Levy) is set to expire at the end of this year. Last year the tax levy brought in around $109,000 to assist the village in the financing of it’s upkeep of its 19 miles of streets. At last week’s Council meeting it was shared that $109,000 pays for, “about 2 blocks”

Stay tuned for more, or better yet, participate in person if you are able and available.

6 Responses

  1. After doing some research and fact checking on myself I would like to recant my comment on the public meeting for the following reasons: Citizens , by law , only need to be given 24 hours notice on a special meeting , we were given 48 hours , so I commend our Mayor for giving us twice the time that the law requires. As for the day and time of the meeting , all council meetings are public for any topic we wish to discuss , so if you can’t make a special meeting just go to the regular one and you will be heard. The problem is that most people won’t go to either.

    1. Thank you Dino for taking the time to clear up some possible confusion on meeting notices, I assure you we will make every effort to schedule meetings that would accommodate the public. I apologize that at times we may have to schedule meetings earlier in the day to accommodate village employees or elected officials schedules but this is not often the case. I would also like to assure the residents that any time there is a meeting called in which 3 or more council members are present we are required by law that it has to be open to the public and as long as I have the honor to serve in my current representative position in this village any one that would like to speak at a meeting will be given the opportunity to do so as we have a public participation time on our council meeting agendas.

  2. Worst time of the day and the worst day of the week to have a public meeting. The average person is working that time of day and Fridays are the busiest day for the average person. And only a 2 day notice?

  3. Perhaps the NBXpress can record the meeting, and then post it as a story. People could then post their questions and comments in an informed fashion after they have a chance to review the information from the Mayor’s office. The office should be prepared to answer any FOIA requests regarding the history of the awarding of contracts and disbursement of funds to companies. This information can then be compared to that of similarly sized villages in the area to see if our money is indeed being spend judiciously.

    1. I was thinking the same thing. I now have to decide to take time off work on short notice to be there.

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