The Board of Zoning Appeals will conduct a Public Hearing at the Village Hall, 205 N. Main Street North Baltimore, Ohio 45872 on Thursday, January 22, 2015 at 7:30 p.m.
- The Variance is requested by David King for his property located at corner of Maple and Wabash Streets, North Baltimore.
- A variance is requested of Section 1127.04(b) Principally Permitted Uses in order to build an accessory building off premise, and without a primary structure (single or two-family dwelling) on the lot.
- A Variance is also requested for Section 1127.04(f) maximum area of accessory buildings to allow a 2,688sf structure.
- The subject property is zoned R-2: Medium Density Residential. A variance is being requested from the Zoning requirements in Sections 1127.04(b) and 1127.04(f).
- The public is invited to attend the Hearing. Further information regarding this variance request can be obtained from the North Baltimore Village Office. Please contact Donna Dettling, Village Administrator at 419-257-2394 or email [email protected].
Donna Dettling, Administrator
Village of North Baltimore