School Board Notes by Russell Bretz, Sr.
The regular meeting of the North Baltimore Local Board of Education was held on Tuesday, March 15, 2016 at 6:00pm in the MS/HS Complex.
Following administrative reports, and a quick review of financial statements by the Treasurer, Eve Baldwin, the Board moved to regular agenda items.
Superintendent’s Recommendations:
Approved a maternity leave of absence for Katy Dauer, Elementary Teacher, beginning approximately May 23, 2016 through the end of the school year using her accumulated sick leave, personal leave and unpaid leave the Family Medical Leave Act as needed.
Approved a medical leave of ablsence to Jacque Miller, Business Teacher, beginning March 28, 2016 for approximately six weeks using her accumulated sick leave, personal leave and unpaid leave through the Family Medical Leave Act as needed.
Approved a medical leave of absence to Dale Schwab, Secretary, beginning March 10, 2016 for approximately six weeks using her accumulated sick leave, personal leave and unpaid leave through the Family Medical Leave Act as needed.
Approved the non-renewal of all winter sports supplemental contracts as per past practice for the 2015-16 school year.
Approved the annual membership with Toledo Metropolitan Area Council of Government (TMACOG) at a cost of $125 for 2016.
Approved the Comprehensive Membership and Video Streaming Services with NWOET for the 2016-17 school year at a total cost of $2,354. These services are used district-wide by the teachers.
Approved an agreement for selected services for the 2016-17 school year from the Wood County Educational Service Center at an estimated cost of $590,000.
Approved an annual agreement with Ohio School Comp, a group rating Program of ASABO and OSBA for the calendar year 2017. Ohio School Comp will use CompManagement as a third party administrator for BWC and unemployment claims. The cost of this service is $2,240; a decrease of $275 from last year.
Approved the revised revenues and appropriations for FY 16.
No committee reports were given.
The next regular meeting of the North Baltimore Local Board of Education will be held on Tuesday, 26, 2016 at 6:00pm in the MS/HS Complex.