NORTH BALTIMORE LOCAL SCHOOLS – BOARD OF EDUCATION – May 24, 2016 – 6:00 PM – REGULAR AGENDA > > > Some “BIG” personnel changes to be considered by Board of Ed.
CLICK to VIEW PDF – NBLS School Board of Ed May Agenda 2016
This meeting is a meeting of the Board of Education in public for the purpose of conducting the School District’s business and is not to be considered a public community meeting.
1. Call to Order
2. Pledge of Allegiance
3. Roll Call _____Mrs. Thomas
_____Mr. Bretz
_____Mr. Archer
_____Mrs. Bushey
_____Mrs. Cotterman
4. Make adjustments and corrections to the agenda as needed.
Exhibit 1
5. Approve the April 26, 2016 regular meeting minutes. _____Mrs. Thomas
_____Mr. Bretz
_____Mr. Archer
_____Mrs. Bushey
_____Mrs. Cotterman
Motion_____________ Seconded______________ Vote________
OPPORTUNITY TO ADDRESS THE BOARD A pamphlet is provided at the board meeting for members of the community to review the proper procedure to address both agenda and non-agenda items. Please review this pamphlet before making any statements to the Board. After being recognized by the President, please provide your name and address to the Treasurer. Please limit your comments to three minutes.
Patrick King, from Stifel, Nicolaus & Company, speaking to the Board on the Refinancing of existing School District Improvement Bonds
News Media
The Courier – Eric Schaadt
The Sentinel – Marie Thomas
NB Xpress – Jeff Miklovic/Sue Miklovic
NB News – Bonnie Knaggs
Page Two – Regular Agenda – 5/24/16
Possible Addendum Item for District Bond Refinancing and pause for signatures
Exhibit 2
1. Approve the monthly financial statements. _____Mrs. Thomas
_____Mr. Bretz
_____Mr. Archer
_____Mrs. Bushey
_____Mrs. Cotterman
Motion_____________ Seconded______________ Vote________
2. Approve a transfer to uniform school supply 019-9993 of an estimated _____Mrs. Thomas
amount of $10,994.20 from general fund 001 for year-end close out. _____Mr. Bretz
(This amount will be reduced by the free & reduced lunch student amount _____Mr. Archer
of $6,601). _____Mrs. Bushey
_____Mrs. Cotterman
Motion_____________ Seconded____________ Vote_________
Exhibit 3
3. Accept the request to retire from Eve M. Baldwin, Treasurer, effective _____Mrs. Thomas
January 1, 2017. Last day will be 12/31/16, pending SERS certification _____Mr. Bretz
for retirement. _____Mr. Archer
_____Mrs. Bushey
_____Mrs. Cotterman
Motion______________ Seconded_____________ Vote______
Superintendent’s Report: Mr. Ryan Delaney
Principal’s Reports:
MS/HS Principal – Dr. Bob Falkenstein
Elementary Principal – Mrs. Pam Van Mooy
1. Approve a Five Year Administrative Contract to Ryan Delaney, _____Mrs. Thomas
Superintendent, beginning August 1, 2017 with a base salary of _____Mr. Bretz
$96,805. . _____Mr. Archer
_____Mrs. Bushey
_____Mrs. Cotterman
Motion_____________ Seconded______________ Vote________
Page Three – Regular Agenda – 5/24/16
Exhibit 4
1 Accept the resignation of Mr. Scott Lockwood as elementary principal, _____Mrs. Thomas
effective at the end of his current contract July 31, 2016. Under the _____Mr. Bretz
language of this disability leave, as to be certified by STRS in _____Mr. Archer
September, should his disability leave discontinue, a continuing classroom _____Mrs. Bushey
contract would be offered as presented. _____Mrs. Cotterman
Motion______________ Seconded_____________ Vote_______
2. Approve a One-Year Disability Leave beginning April 1, 2015 through _____Mrs. Thomas
STRS for Anthony Mulholland through June 1, 2017. This position _____Mr. Bretz
will be filled with a one year only contract for five years from the April _____Mr. Archer
1, 2015 date as necessary. _____Mrs. Bushey
_____Mrs. Cotterman
Motion____________ Seconded_____________ Vote________
3. Approve the following summer school/OGT teachers for the 2016 summer _____Mrs. Thomas
at the current rate of $20 per hour: _____Mr. Bretz
_____Mr. Archer
Mallory Huffman Charlotte Powell Arica Matthes _____Mrs. Bushey
Jacque Miller Melanie Missler Kirby Shuey _____Mrs. Cotterman
Samantha Rodabaugh Diane Blake Marina Williford
Motion______________ Seconded_____________ Vote_______
4. Approve the revision of a supplemental contract to Scott Lockwood _____Mrs. Thomas
as Title I and Title II Grants Coordinator to 25% of the position due to _____Mr. Bretz
his medical absence for the 2015-16 school year. _____Mr. Archer
_____Mrs. Bushey
_____Mrs. Cotterman
Motion______________ Seconded_____________ Vote_______
5. Approve a supplemental contract to Ryan Delaney as the Title I and Title _____Mrs. Thomas
II Grants Coordinator at 75%for the 2015-16 school year. _____Mr. Bretz
_____Mr. Archer
_____Mrs. Bushey
_____Mrs. Cotterman
Motion______________ Seconded_____________ Vote______
6. Approve a two year non-union classified contract to rehire Sandy Stewart _____Mrs. Thomas
as administrative assistant at the appropriate step of EMIS Secretary Rate _____Mr. Bretz
for 211 days per year (includes holidays) with no paid vacation, also to _____Mr. Archer
include a $4,000 stipend for transportation coordinator, effective July 1, _____Mrs. Bushey
2016 through June 30, 2018. _____Mrs. Cotterman
Motion______________ Seconded_____________ Vote_______
Page Four – Regular Agenda – 5/24/16
Exhibit 5
7. Approve an agreement with the Wood County Educational Service _____Mrs. Thomas
Center for summer instruction for special needs at a cost of $1,144 _____Mr. Bretz
for the 2016 summer. _____Mr. Archer
_____Mrs. Bushey
_____Mrs. Cotterman
Motion______________ Seconded_____________ Vote______
8. Approve the following 2016-2017 classified substitute list, which _____Mrs. Thomas
includes the summer of 2016, at the step 0 rate on an as needed basis, _____Mr. Bretz
pending necessary certification and paperwork when required. _____Mr. Archer
_____Mrs. Bushey
Bus/Van Drivers Cafeteria _____Mrs. Cotterman
Larry Snyder Racheal Zygela
Christopher Snyder Kristi Ferguson
Terry Ebright Andrew Coup
Don Bankey Amy Snyder
Mike Trout Amy Snyder
Jennifer Naus Trish Rodriquiez
Leisa Zeigler Amy Lee
Elaine Wilkenson
Sandy Stewart – Van Roxie Emahiser
Chris North- Van Jo Busch
Emily Meyerson – Van Tina Clayton
Kelsei Stefanka
Jacqueline McKitrick
Brianna Ferguson
Aides (Office, Bus, Classroom Etc)
Andrew Coup
Alta Gerig Custodial
Ken Gerig Phillip Stefanka
Amy Snyder Andrew Coup
Kristi Ferguson Jen Snyder
Vickie Dotson Chris Snyder
Trish Rodriquiez Don Bankey
Roxie Emahiser Brianna Fergusen
Elaine Wilkenson Kevin Bean
Carrie Gerdeman Derek Bean
Jen Snyder
Ben Singer Clerical
Suzanne Bucher Marlene North -HQ
Amy Lee Ann Glamm – HQ/Human Resources Only
Marlene North Suzanne Bucher
Cheryl Spangenberg Kristi Ferguson-HQ
Jo Busch
Kelsei Stefanka
Jacqueline McKitrick
Brianna Ferguson
Pamela Weisbrod
Kevin Bean
Motion_____________ Seconded______________ Vote________
Page Five – Regular Agenda – 5/24/16
9. Approve a service agreement with Esber Cash Register for support _____Mrs. Thomas
services for the 2016-17 school year at an estimated cost per building _____Mr. Bretz
as follows from the 006 Food Service account: _____Mr. Archer
Powell Elementary – $720 _____Mrs. Bushey
MS/HS Building – $624 _____Mrs. Cotterman
District Services – $1,910
Total – $3,254 (Last year’s total was $3,549)
Motion_____________ Seconded______________ Vote________
10. Approve participation in the Ohio High School Athletic Association for _____Mrs. Thomas
the 2016-2017 school year at no cost to the Board. _____Mr. Bretz
_____Mr. Archer
_____Mrs. Bushey
_____Mrs. Cotterman
Motion_____________ Seconded______________ Vote________
Exhibit 6
11. Approve the 2016 Summer Maintenance/Permanent improvement List _____Mrs. Thomas
at an estimated total cost of $60,550 as presented. _____Mr. Bretz
_____Mr. Archer
_____Mrs. Bushey
_____Mrs. Cotterman
Motion_____________ Seconded______________ Vote________
Exhibit 7
12. Approve an agreement with the Ohio School Plan/Hylant to cover the _____Mrs. Thomas
School district policy for liability, property, and fleet insurance effective _____Mr. Bretz
July 1, 2016 through July 1, 2017 at an estimated cost of $35,714. _____Mr. Archer
(Increase from last year of $677) _____Mrs. Bushey
_____Mrs. Cotterman
Motion_____________ Seconded______________ Vote________
13. Approve the school lunch prices for the 2016-2017 school year with a _____Mrs. Thomas
.10 cent increase due to changes mandated by the State of Ohio. _____Mr. Bretz
_____Mr. Archer
Milk (remains the same) – .50 _____Mrs. Bushey
K – 12 Lunch – $2.75 _____Mrs. Cotterman
Adult Lunch – $3.25
Ala Cart Main Item – $2.25
Motion____________ Seconded_____________ Vote________
Exhibit 8
14. Approve the Main Building Handbook with revisions as presented for the _____Mrs. Thomas
2016-2017 school year. _____Mr. Bretz
_____Mr. Archer
_____Mrs. Bushey
_____Mrs. Cotterman
Motion____________ Seconded_____________ Vote________
Page Six – Regular Agenda – 5/24/16
Exhibit 9
15. Approve the district health and dental MMO insurance rates through _____Mrs. Thomas
the Wood County School Consortium and Hylant Service Consultants _____Mr. Bretz
beginning July 1, 2016 through June 30, 2017 as presented. _____Mr. Archer
_____Mrs. Bushey
_____Mrs. Cotterman
Motion_____________ Seconded______________ Vote_______
16. Approve an agreement with Paladin for alarm system monitoring at the _____Mrs. Thomas
MS/HS from July 1, 2016 through June 30, 2017 at a cost of $336. _____Mr. Bretz
_____Mr. Archer
_____Mrs. Bushey
_____Mrs. Cotterman
Motion_____________ Seconded______________ Vote_______
Exhibit 10
17. Approve an agreement with NOACSC (A-Site) for Internet Access _____Mrs. Thomas
for FY17 at a cost of $23,400 retro-active to 4/11/16. _____Mr. Bretz
_____Mr. Archer
_____Mrs. Bushey
_____Mrs. Cotterman
Motion_____________ Seconded______________ Vote_______
Exhibit 11
18. Approve an agreement with NOACSC (A-Site) as our computer _____Mrs. Thomas
services provider for FY17. _____Mr. Bretz
_____Mr. Archer
_____Mrs. Bushey
_____Mrs. Cotterman
Motion_____________ Seconded______________ Vote_______
Exhibit 12
19. Approve a three year maintenance agreement with Cummins Bridgeway _____Mrs. Thomas
beginning with the 2016-17 school year at a total cost of $2,920.22. _____Mr. Bretz
_____Mr. Archer
_____Mrs. Bushey
_____Mrs. Cotterman
Motion_____________ Seconded______________ Vote_______
20. Accept an anonymous donation valued at approximately $9,000 _____Mrs. Thomas
for all Pre K – 6 grade students. All necessary consumable school _____Mr. Bretz
supplies will be given to PreK-6 students for the 2016-2017 school year. _____Mr. Archer
_____Mrs. Bushey
_____Mrs. Cotterman
Motion_________ Seconded ___________ Vote___________
Page Seven – Regular Agenda – 5/24/16
Legislative Liaison (Russell Bretz):
Athletic/Recreation Council (Tim Archer – Tami Thomas):
Superintendent’s Advisory Council (Cheryl Cotterman – Russell Bretz):
Student Achievement Liaison (Cheryl Cotterman):
Village Council Liaison (Cheryl Cotterman – Tim Archer):