Tami Thomas Elected Board President
The annual organizational meeting of the North Baltimore Local Board of Education was held on Tuesday, January 13, 2015 at 5:30pm followed by the regular meeting at 6:00pm in the MS/HS Complex on Tiger Drive.
Board President, Tami Thomas was re-elected President and Vice-president, Russell Bretz was re-elected Vice-president. Committee assignments remained the same.
Following the taking of the oath of office, the President proceeded to renew and delineate the duties of the Superintendent and the Treasurer as well as Board members:
Appointed the Treasurer as the Board representative for HB 9 Public Records for Professional Development requirements.
Approved a resolution for compensation for Board members as per Board Bylaws #0147; no change.
Approved a resolution to appoint the Superintendent as:
Purchasing Agent
Coordinator of Federal and State Programs
Prevailing wage coordinator
ADA compliance officer
EMIS Coordinator
The Superintendent recommends the approval of the annual standard authorization for calendar year 2015:
Authorizing the Treasurer to make short-term advances as needed from the General Fund to various other funds to ensure their continued operation.
Authorize the Treasurer to review and approve all then and now Certificates per ORC5795.41 (d)
Authorize the Treasurer and/or the Superintendent to review and approved expenses related to refreshments for meetings involving the community and/or staff.
Approved a resolution to authorize the Superintendent to employ temporary personnel and act on behalf of the Board in keeping with the Ohio Revised Code and Board Policy.
Authorize the Superintendent, on behalf of the Board, to accept resignations submitted by employees during times when this Board is not in session, subject to ratification by this Board. Such resignations shall be deemed effective as of the date and time of the Superintendent’s acceptance.
Authorized the Superintendent to enter into tuition contracts for special education and regular education students with other school districts.
Approved a resolution to appoint the MS/HS Building Principal as HB 398 Safety Coordinator.
Approved a resolution to retain legal services from the following law firms for the 2915 calendar year:
Squires, Sanders & Dempsey
Pepple & Wagonner
Ennis, Roberts & Fischer
Brickler & Eckler
Approved the Ohio School Boards Association Legal Assistance Fund Consultation Service Contract beginning January 1, 2015 through December 31, 2015 at a cost of $250.
Approved a membership to the Ohio School Boards Association beginning January 1, 2015 through December 31, 2015 at a cost of $3,212 for subscriptions and monthly update information.
Approve the Education and Tax Policy Institute consulting services beginning January 1, 2015 through December 31, 2015 at a cost of $500.
Regular Meeting
After the Organizational Meeting, the Board moved to regular agenda items and Administrative reports which can be read elsewhere in this publication.
Superintendent’s Recommendations:
Approved an extended medical leave of absence for Anthony Mulholland, MS/HS Teacher, through March 10, 2015, using accumulated sick leave as necessary.
Approved a Long-Term Substitute Contract with the Wood County ESC for Alex Glasford at $90 per day from January 5, 2015 to March 10, 2015 as a substitute for Anthony Mulholland, Science Teacher.
Approved a classified substitute contract to the following for the 2014-15 school year at step 0.
Ben Singer—–Para-Professional HQ (retro-active to August 20, 2014)
Approved a contract revision to the Wood County Educational Service Center for the 2014-15 school year at a cost of $860,000.
Approved an agreement with the North Central Ohio Educational Service Center for Technology Integration and Preparing for PARCC for FY 15 on an as needed basis.
Approved an agreement with Community Employment Services (CES) for services provided at Powell School through a work program for $10.60 per hour for one year beginning January, 2015.
Approved a request from the North Baltimore Public Library to appoint Dr. Ralph H. Wolfe to the North Baltimore Library Board of Trustees for a period from 2015 to 2022.
Approved dates for the North Baltimore Band Trip to Disney as March 28 – April 2, 2016 at no cost to the Board.
No Committee Reports were given.
The next regular meeting of the North Baltimore Local Board of Education will be held on Tuesday, February 24, 2015 at 6:00pm in the MS/HS Complex.