Don’t Stress Over the Dress just wrapped up its 8th year and we had an amazing turn out. This year brought a few new challenges with being in a new space at the Findlay Village Mall but after hard work and dedication we rose up to the challenge and it turned out great.
The committee and it’s volunteers put in over 380 hrs. in which 233 girls registered for the event. We had 144 girls pick out dresses and 68 schools were represented with one of them being in Michigan. This puts us at 62% of the girls that attend receive a dress. Schools, Facebook, and Friends are still the top three advertising tools that help make this event a success.
This year we started off our event with the most dresses we have ever had and that was 764 dresses so you can see we continue to get the word out. One thing that will make this a continued success is reminding family, friends, and neighbors that we are always in need of dresses, especially sizes 0/2 and then 15 up. Plus sizes are something we are always short on and always go first. We had 28 larger size dresses this year (which is the most we have ever had and this is awesome) and we only have a few of the smaller of these larger sizes left.
Report submitted by The DSOTD Committee
(Well Done, Folks! What a great public service)~NBX