St. Luke’s Lutheran Church VBS
St. Luke’s Lutheran Church, North Baltimore, announces this year’s theme for Vacation Bible School (VBS): “Bible Blast to the Past: Discover God’s Everlasting Love.”
VBS begins Sunday, July 26 at 5:00 p.m. and continues daily through Thursday, July 30. The five-day event will include daily Bible classes, storytime, crafts, activities, supper at 5:15, music, and puppets.
Friends and neighbors are welcome! VBS is open to 4 year-old children to youth who recently completed 6th grade.
The annual “Early Registration Contest” deadline is Friday, July 24 (seven prizes will be awarded in a drawing of registrations received on or before that date). Children may also register when they arrive.
Registration forms are available at the church and online at St. Lukes VBS Registration