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January 13, 2025 11:43 am

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Congress is fast-tracking a bill that protects Big Ag from having to tell you if you are buying and consuming genetically engineered (GE) food. It also would prevent farming communities from creating “GE-free zones” to protect organic and sustainable farms from contamination.This legislation, misleadingly called the Safe and Accurate Food Labeling Act (H.R. 1599), is also known as the Deny Americans the Right to Know (DARK) Act. The House Agriculture Committee approved the DARK Act this week and the full House is expected to vote by July 23rd.

Call your Representative today and tell him/her you want the right to know if GE foods are on the shelf – and you support states’ rights to require labeling. 
  1. Call (877) 796-1949 and you’ll be connected to a staffer in your U.S. representative’s office.
  2. Simply tell the staffer your name, where you’re from, and say: “I’m a constituent and I care about my right to know what’s in the food I eat. I want my representative to vote NO on H.R. 1599 and to support H.R. 913, which would require mandatory GE labeling.”
  3. Forward this message on to your friends. The phone number will route callers to the correct office, even if they don’t live in the same Congressional district as you do.
A poll conducted by OEFFA in February revealed 87 percent of Ohio voters support GE labeling. This is a critical opportunity to hold your legislator accountable by asking him/her to stand with the vast majority of their constituents on this issue.Need a little help making the call? OEFFA has a great video on our Advocacy Toolkit webpage that shows how to make an effective call to your legislator. Don’t delay—call today!

After you make the call, let us know by calling us at (614) 421-2022 Ext. 208 oremailing us. Thank you for taking action!

Ohio Ecological Food and Farm Association

41 Croswell Rd., Columbus OH 43214

(614) 421-2022

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