Hosey Chiropractic, 2121 Bright Road in Findlay (419) 422-4240, is having a Thanksgiving Food Drive, for TWO WEEKS ONLY!!!
November 7 – 19 Hosey Chiropractic will be collecting food to assure that everyone has a nice Thanksgiving Dinner. The food will be given to those less fortunate in our community.
In exchange for your donation of $17 worth of non-perishable food items, Dr. Hosey is offering an exam, ex-rays & review of x-rays at NO CHARGE! A service worth up to $200!
Mon., Wed., Fri. 8 – 6 pm; Tues., Thurs. 8 – 5 pm
now open on Saturdays 8 – 12 pm
If possible, please call to schedule your appointment.