BOWLING GREEN, Ohio, – The Northwestern Water and Sewer District (The District) announces the following update to our District hydrant flushing program. Updates are highlighted in bold and underlined.
District-Wide Hydrant Flushing *UPDATED LOCATION*
Effective Monday, July 11, through August, weekdays from 8 a.m. until 3:30 p.m., District crews will be flushing hydrants in Lake Township, in Northwood northeast of Woodville Road, and in the Village of Millbury. Hydrant flushing scheduled at this time in Middleton and Perrysburg Townships has been postponed. Residents are advised to flush water from their taps if the water becomes discolored. Avoid doing laundry until water is clear. Click here for more information. The District tracks the progress of our hydrant flushing program. CLICK HERE to see the updated Hydrant Flushing Progress Map (Red indicates flushed hydrants, green indicates work yet to be complete).