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Tiger Track finishes strong competition week.

Submitted by Coach Cyndi Hotaling

On Tuesday the Tiger Track team traveled to Hardin Northern for a quadrangular meet against Hardin Northern, Arlington, and Arcadia. Fueled by the girls win at the HN triangular the week before the boys came home with a win.

First place finishers: AJ Hotaling, 1600 (5:22.3), Tyler Stimmel, 400 (54.2), Christian Richmond, 200 (24.1), and Jacob Dick shot (50’ 9”) and discus (143’ 9”).

Second place finishers: 4×800 relay, Hotaling, Stimmel, Aaron Fisher, & Nathan Flores (9:23.7), Flores, 800 (2:12), Noah Pelton, 3200 (12:28.6), and Taylor Bishop, long jump (15’ 10”).

Finishing in third place: Cody Gerdeman, 110 hurdles (20.4), Richmond, 100 (12.2), 4×200 relay, Josh Rockhill, Gage Carles, Gerdeman, & Jacob Pelton (2:00.3), N Pelton, 1600 (5:26.8), Gerdeman, 300 hurdles (49.5), 4×400 relay Flores, Hotaling, Richmond, Stimmel (3:50.3), Richmond, long jump (15’ 9.5”), Carles, pole vault (9’ 6”), and Zach Meggit, shot (40’ 8”).

Fifth place finishers: J Pelton, long jump (15’ 8”), Rockill, pole vault (8’), and Meggit, disc (114’ 5”).

The lady tigers at Hardin Northern were lead by triple winner Megan Ernsberger. Megan won the 100 hurdles (16.6), 300 hurdles (51.9), and long jump (13’ 8.5”). Kiah Powell won the shot with 30’ 1”.

Second place finishers: Cassidy Hiser, 100 (14.7), 4×200 relay, Hiser, Kenzie Carles, Courtney Smith, & Katie Leady (2:12.9), 4×400 relay, Smith, Hannah Rose, Mariah Leonard, & Lisa Rennau (5:41.8), and Leonard, pole vault (8’).

Finishing in third place: 4×100, Hailey Powell, Imsuwan (First) Pichamon, Sarina Villegas, & Kailey McCartney (1:08.5), Lisa Rennau, 800 (3:31), Hiser, high jump (4’), and Carles, pole vault (8’).

Fourth place finishers were: Smith, 100 (15.1), Hiser, 200 (31.5), Smith, high jump (3’ 10”), and McCartney, disc (81’ 6.5”).

Finishing in fifth were: Rennau, 400 (1:13.3), Emily Stefanka, 200 (33), Rennau, long jump (11’ 2”), Beth Busch, shot (24’ 2”), H Powell, disc (81’ 6”).

On Friday May 1st the track team competed in the Dick Schultz Invitational at Fostoria Stadium. The girls finished 7th overall and the boys finished 6th. The boys had athletes place in fourteen of the 18 events contested.

Jacob Dick was the sole first place winner, winning the shot with a throw of 46’ 10”.

Other boys placers included:

2nd place:             Tyler Stimmel, 400 (53.65)

Nathan Flores, 800 (2:07.52)

3rd place:              Christian Richmond, 200 (24.31)

4×400 relay: Flores, AJ Hotaling, Richmond, Stimmel (3:48.42)

Dick, disc (138’ 1”)

4th place:              Zach Meggit, shot (41’ 11”)

5th place:              4×200 relay: Stimmel, Jacob Pelton, Taylor Bishop, Flores (1:43.91)

6th place:              Richmond, 100 (12.22)

4×100 relay: Cody Gerdeman, Stimmel, J Pelton, Richmond (49.49)

Gage Carles, PV (10’)

7th place:              4×800 relay: Josh Rockhill, Carles, Noah Pelton, Aaron Fisher (11:46.12)

Hotaling, 1600 (5:16.27)

Meggit, disc (119’ 10”)

8th place:              Gerdeman, 300 hurdles (49.39)

Hotaling, 3200 (11:55.15)

The Lady Tigers, while having no overall winner, placed in twelve of the eighteen events contested.

2nd place:             Megan Ernsberger, 100 hurdles (16.6)

Hailey Powell, disc (94’ 7”)

3rd place:              Lindsay Davis, high jump (4’ 8”)

5th place:              Ernsberger, 300 hurdles (52.6), long jump (14’ 3.25”)

Kenzie Carles, PV (8’)

Kiah Powell, shot (29’ 10”)

6th place:              4×400 relay: Hannah Rose, Courtney Smith, Raegan Fleckner, & Lisa Rennau (5:02)

Mariah Leonard, PV (7’ 6”)

Kailey McCartney, disc (88’ 3”)

7th place:              4×200 relay: Cassidy Hiser, Carles, Smith, Davis (2:06.6)

4×100 relay: Hiser, Carles, Davis, Ernsberger (57.2)

Fleckner, 800 (2:46.95)

Brandon Lanning competes for the tiger track team in non-scoring wheel-chair races. Brandon currently sits in second place on the all state wheel-chair performance lists for the 100, 400, and 800. In addition, he is currently third on the shot put list. Brandon wheeled to a personal record in the 100 on Friday with a time of 24.13 seconds.

Track May 2 3
Brandon Lanning in the 400
Track May 2 2
AJ Hotaling & Noah Pelton in 1600
Track May 2 1
leslie Busch in the 1600,
Track May 2 5
Megan Ernsberger in the LJ
Track May 2 4
Jacob Dick in shot

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