The Tigers travelled to Cory Rawson for a Volleyball Match on Wednesday night (October 3)
Final Score of Varsity Game: 25-13, 25-20, 25-12 CR wins
Allie McPherson-6 serves, 0 errors, 6 assists
Mia McCartney-8 serves, 2 errors, 20 digs, 6 attacks, 2 kills
Hannah Lord-20 digs, 10 errors
Allison Kepling-6 assists
Grace Hagemyer- 18 attacks, 3 kills, 0 errors, 3 blocks
Simone Thompson- 7 attacks, 1 error, 4 kills
Leah Lee-18 attacks, 4 errors, 3 kills
Halie Inbody- 10 attacks, 1 error, 3 kills
In the JV match , it was : 13-25(CR); 25-15(NB); 27-25(NB) Tigers win
There was no Freshman game