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Troop 315 December Newsletter

Troop 315 December 2018 – Newsletter
from Shawn Benjamin, Scout Master
Another year of scouting is winding down and Holiday’s are here.  As for myself;  Scouting is the gift that lasts year round.  I started with the troop in 2010 and going into 2019,  It’s now clear that the world of scouting is, very much, a vocation.  Beyond volunteering, it’s a way of life;  The connection you see when a scout joins our troop at 10 1/2 and then goes off to do great things as an adult,  be it college, military, or a great blue-collar career,  I feel gifted to know, I had a part in that.   I see it in their smiles, their enthusiasm, laughter, silliness and most of all, dedication to a group that becomes, more family, than anything else,  We look out for each other,  step up to help with needs and projects.  Not be afraid, rather, proud of the uniform and what it stands for.

Yep, this is a pretty mushy scoutmaster minute, but I feel it important to let everyone know just how dedicated I and all the leaders and scouts who are part of Troop 315 are.  It brings an abundance of smiles during every get-together.  In preparation for 2019, I’m, going to ask my Assistant Scoutmasters to fill some of the spots in our meetings that keep the scouts excited.  I know they are very capable and my wish is for them to keep the upbeat tone we all know and love about our troop.

Santa Visit

Show up at Bob Kelley Chevrolet at 5:30 pm on Wednesday, December 5,  for the annual Santa Claus Visit.  We have 10 Elf costumes so first to show up gets to be an elf.  Our job is crowd control and working with the families as they make their way to see Santa.  Great P.R. event.  
December is the month all scouts need to renew their Boy Scout membership for the upcoming year.  $33.00 is the fee each boy must pay for 2019 program.  These dues go directly to National after we collect.  Final date to pay them is December 30, 2018.  The troop can deduct them from your scout accounts or can be paid by cash or check to the troop.  Very important that you don’t miss the deadline. This will cause a scout to drop from our membership roster and will not allow us to cover him with insurance during any outing or group event.  I will contact parents if I see that their scout does not have enough in their scout account.
If you haven’t picked up your wreaths yet.  See Dawn at the flower shop to complete your order.  I will need a copy of your order form to figure how much each scout makes for his account.  
Meat Sticks
All meat stick orders can be turned in on Sunday, December 2,  I will place orders on the following Monday.  There will be a 2nd order placed as a makeup on December 17.   It takes a week for it to process and arrive.
Video Game Night
Back by popular demand, our annual Scout lock-in.  We will leave scout house at 3:00 pm to go to Ohio Skate in Maumee,  til 6:30 pm then travel back to Bowling Green Pizza Hut for supper, then back to scout house for the video game lock-in.  Cost for all this is $15.00 which I will collect before we leave.  I ask that all scouts be picked up by 8:00 am the following Sunday after they clean the scout house up.
Cub Lock-in
Saturday, January 12, 2019, Our troop annually helps the district run the Cub Lock in,  We will need volunteers to help play games with the cubs into the wee hours of the morning.  More to come on that event
Klondike Camp at Berry
We have been invited to camp at Berry and participate in their winter camp On January 18 – 20th.  We will rent a cabin for the event, Cost is $10.00 plus a grocery list will go out.  
In regards to girls in Scouts B.S.A.
In regards to the introduction of girls into Boy Scouts of America,  Troop 315 will continue to remain an all-male troop.  If interest in a female troop exists in North Baltimore,  Requirements for a charter, 2 deep leadership, committee, and 5 female youth will need to organize.  Troop 315 will be available to help educate and direct anyone willing to organize a female BSA troop.  Troop 315 will continue to be known as a traditional troop due to its status as all male. This program will be available in February for interested North Baltimore residents
Quote from Baden Powell
“If you make listening and observation your occupation you will gain much more than you can by talk.”
Shawn Benjamin

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