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Troop 315 Newsletter September 2018

Troop 315 Newsletter September

With elections of our new SPL and patrol leadership behind us, Troop 315 is beginning a new chapter in the world of scouting.  We’ve built our troop’s numbers over the years and ramped the scouting program up to allow many young men achieve rank of Eagle.

Trip to the Mansfield Reformatory…
The new Senior Patrol Leader has been hoping for this opportunity for a few years and currently,  our troop consist of 4 patrols;  Eagles , Dragons , Archer, and Border – to be renamed…   Each patrol consist of 5 – 7 boys and each patrol works separately but comes together as a troop to act as one.  This is known in scouting as ” the patrol method”. 
While we’ve always had separate patrols,  focusing on unique tasks and training’s in smaller groups will help keep chaos down and allow each patrol to become stronger and more defined.  Alex, our SPL, being trained at National Youth Leadership Training has really emphasized the need to move forward since our troop is large in membership and honestly,  trying to control 26 scouts with one voice can be challenging.   
We will need a few confirmations on who’s going for the upcoming camps and fundraisers.  With school and sports, it becomes tough to guess on these outings so please respond to any of the following events.
Bloomdale camp 
September 7 – 9.  This camp has no cost and has no grocery list.  It is for the recruitment of scout for Troop 337 and they asked for our help to show lots of scouts this upcoming weekend.  Even if Friday is unavailable due to football,  You can come out Saturday and camp til Sunday.  Either way,  let me know. We will leave the scout house at 6:30pm .  Bring tent, mess kits, and sleeping bag, clothes, etc.  Note about mess kits.  please ensure you have silverware and cups with your kits,  scouts seem to forget a lot of camping supplies .. especially mess kits. 
Luckey Fest.  
September  29 – 30  This Food tent  works in shifts and needs transport at different times through the weekend. We also need adults to assist during the festival.  Our scouts serve food Friday, Sat and Sun til 1:30pm and also cleanup at end.  It is a fundraiser and each shift counts as 1 share towards your scout accounts, The festival is similar to Good ole Summertime  Below are the following shifts available
Friday  4:00pm to Close
Saturday  7:00am – 2:00pm   and   2:00pm to 9:30pm
Sunday  7:00am – 3:00ish
I will provide transportation home on Friday,  Saturday morning and Saturday close.  I will also drive Sunday morning.  We will need drivers for the other times as well as scout and parent helpers.  6 – 8 scouts and parents are needed for each shift
Camperall at PSR
October 5-7    This event celebrates Camp Frontier’s 50th birthday and approx. 3000 scouts\ leaders are expected.  Our troop will set up the 1950’s campsite but can also participate in all activities during the weekend.  It’s summer camp crammed into that weekend.  Cost is $15.00 and I do need a headcount by Sept 20th.  We will return by 10:30am that Sunday.  
Village cleanup day in Hoytville
Chris Snyder has asked for additional help in Hoytville for their village clean up.  on Saturday October 13th.  We will work for 3 – 4 hours and leave N.B. at 8:45am .  Nothing hard but does fulfill community service hours you log in your handbooks. 
Committee meeting
Our adult troop committee will be meeting and discussing budgets, calendar, fundraiser’s,  membership and future of scouting.  Short notice, but this Thursday, August 30th at 7:00 scout house is the time for this .   Also.  all Adult leadership must have taken YPT’s current coarse by October 1,2018
Upcoming Calendar –  We annually present the calendar for the year at this time.  Below is the events we have on it currently.  
4     Rotary meeting State of the troop ( Shawn & Mike)
5-7  Bloomdale camp
26   2 scouts at Chamber meeting
28-30  Luckey Fundraiser
4   Round table
5   Homecoming Parade
5-7 Camp at Pioneer Scout Reservation
13  Hoyville Cleanup
14  Apple butter fest 13up scouts helping
27 Halloween Parade
28  Ad Alteri Dei scouts to St Joseph’s Toledo
31 2 Scouts Chamber Meeting
Wreath Fundraiser
Meat Stick Fundraiser
??  Camp at Doc Roberts
28  Scouts at Chamber
5  Santa visit scouts at Bob Kelley
29  Video Game Night / Sky Zone
Merit Badge
30 Scouts at Chamber
1-3  winter Camp at Miakonda
13  Court of honor for scouts / FOS
27 Scouts at Chamber
1-3  Camp Alaska Survival / Berry
27 Scouts at Chamber
Spring Camp
24 Scouts at Chamber
17 – 19  Armed Forces camp
27    Memorial Day Parade
16 – 22   Summer Camp
Family Picnic
End of summer outing  
Who is  Lord Baden Powell
His first introduction to scouting skills was stalking and cooking animals, and avoiding teachers, in nearby woods, which were strictly out-of-bounds for the school that he attended. He also played the piano and violin, was an ambidextrous artist of some talent, and enjoyed acting. Holidays were usually spent on yachting or canoeing expeditions with his brothers.
Baden-Powell served in the British Army from 1876 until 1910 in India and Africa. In 1899, during the Second Boar War in South Africa, Baden-Powell successfully defended the town in the Siege of Mafeking. A Boer army of in excess of 8,000 men surrounded him and his troops. Although wholly outnumbered, the garrison withstood the siege for 217 days, and much of this is attributable to some of the cunning military deceptions instituted at Baden-Powell’s behest as commander of the garrison. As a result, Baden-Powell became a national hero back home.
On his return home, Baden-Powell found that his military training manual “Aids to Scouting” had become something of a best seller, and was being used by teachers and youth organizations. Following a meeting with the founder of the Boys’ Brigade, Sir William Smith, Baden-Powell decided to re-write Aids to Scouting to suit a youth readership, and in 1907 held a camp on Brownsea Island for 22 boys of mixed social background to test out some of his ideas, which is now seen as the beginning of the Scouting movement.
“Scouting for Boys” was subsequently published in 1908 in six installments. Boys spontaneously formed Scout troops and the Scouting movement had inadvertently started, first a national, and soon an international obsession.
Although he could have continued his military career, Baden-Powell decided to retire from the Army in 1910 on the advice of King Edward VII, who suggested that he could better serve his country by promoting Scouting.
Under his leadership, Baden-Powell brought Scouting to the youth of the world and the world Scouting movement grew. By the end of 1910, there were over 100,000 Scouts in England. In 1922, there were more than a million scouts in 32 countries and by 1939; the number of Scouts had grown in excess of 3.3 million. Baden-Bowell became appropriately known as the “Chief Scout of the World”

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