Troop 315 October 2024 Newsletter
Thank you to everyone who helped at Luckey Fest. Any of the food booths we do couldn’t happen without parent support. Plus, when there, I reinforce that the scouts must do most the work with our guidance since this money goes to their program. It’s a tiring feet, but when it comes time for camp or recharter, families are happy that the funds are there, thanks to these fundraisers. This time of year, is crazy busy for scouts and other back to school / fall activities, I’m so happy that everyone is able to commit to the fundraisers, we currently have.
NOTE – – I’ll need a head count on all the program below.
Due to all the activates , No Meetings in October, just fundraisers and outings.
October 5-6 Wood District Camporee
Fall camporee will be held in Grand Rapids, Oh with a mile hike and challenge stations every mile. Scouts need to pack a day pack with water, snacks, and lunch to stop and eat on the way. This is an enjoyable scenic trail so don’t rush it. We will leave the scout house at 7:15am, Sat morning, Parents, leaders are welcome to come and participate. At the end of the hike, Scouts will camp at their destination for the night where our troop will cook supper. We’ll leave Sunday morning. Only a few groceries are needed since we’ll have product from the Luckey fest,
Grocery list
5 bags of assorted Little Debbie Doughnuts
2 gal choco milk
October 12 Soccer parking
Scouts will leave scout house at 7:00am to park cars in Van Buren for the day. a few parents are needed for safety since we’re dealing with cars. Two shifts are available, Sign up for one or both. 7:00 – 11am and 11:00am to 3:pm .
October 12 Service Hours
Scouts who need service hours, on Saturday October 12th at 2pm. To help at the library, packing and loading the boxes into my truck. I know the Scouts are scheduled for the parking of the Van Buren soccer tournament. Do we have any of them who are not participating in parking, would be interested in helping with the books, for service hours? Mr. Bateson will be there, please don’t let what happened to the food pantry with him, happen again. No one showed.
October 13 Apple Butter
This parking duty is an all-day thing. We need parents and scouts to work 2 lots. We have to leave N.B.scout house at 6:15am . Pack a lunch and snacks for the day. . Depending on number of families, We are able to rotate time to go into the festival and look around. The first part of the day is quite busy.
October 19 Meat Sticks and Corn Maze
Instead of a meeting, Scouts asked to go to Sutters’s corn maze in Ottawa and then Stevie B’s pizza for Supper, Cost is $15.00 per scout and parent. We get a group rate when purchased as one. We’ll leave the scout house at 2:00pm to head to the maze. We could use drivers for this one. This a great opportunity for all for families to come together for a fun afternoon. All are invited
Also, we have the Meat Stick order forms to hand out to all our families, this fundraiser goes till mid-December and whatever is left goes to the theater for final sale, back into the troop.
October 26 Scouting for Food & Parade
Scouting for Food -Meet at scout house at 11:00am to run 2-3 trucks gather food bags to deliver to the food pantry. If we have 1 or 2 families with trucks, that helps.
Halloween Parade – Meet at park line up at 6:30pm in costume for the parade, if you’re in the band, that’s ok we’ll end at the Fire Station where they should have cider, and we’ll go the scout house till Cubs call and say they’re ready for us at the cemetery for the Cub scare. A Troop 315 tradition and the cubs / scouts enjoy it.
November – Merit badge month with Mr. Bateson,
Count them – 6 Merit Badges to earn. Citizenship in Nation – World – Community – Society, American Heritage, American Culture, are being taught. Don’t miss any of these meetings, younger scouts who need this and may run into December a couple meetings. Plus, They’re Eagle Required
December 1st Bowling Party. We’ll have more when these months come up.
Quote from Lord Baden Powell
“Try to leave this world a little better than you found it and, when your turn comes to die, you can die happy in feeling that at any rate you have not wasted your time but have done your best”
Shawn Benjamin