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Tyler Stimmel Achieves Rank of Eagle Boy Scout

Congratulations to Tyler Stimmel of North Baltimore Boy Scout Troop #315. He attained the rank of Eagle Scout on February 16th, 2016. To earn this rank, a scout needs to progress through the ranks within the Boy Scouts, earn 21 merit badges, and serve six months in a troop leadership position. Then he must complete a service project for a school, a religious organization, or the community, take part in a scout conference, and complete an Eagle Scout board of review.

Tyler’s project was to build locker room benches in both the boys and girls locker rooms at the Woodruff Athletic Building at North Baltimore High School. He needed to obtain funding and volunteers and plan and give leadership for this project. The boards for the benches were donated by Ron Bean, NB. The boards were salvaged from the gym at the old North Baltimore High School before it was demolished. The steel support legs were designed and built by DS Brown Co., North Baltimore with a lot of help and guidance from Randy Bean, NB, and other helpers at DS Brown. The boards were stained to match the existing wood lockers.

Thank you to the following for funding and sponsoring this project:

D.S. Brown Co., the North Baltimore American Legion Post #539, and Hancock Wood Electric

Thank you to the following people for many hours of help and support on this project:

Chris North, Larry Snyder, Dan Stimmel, Randy Bean, Ron Bean, Duane Young, Hank Matthes, Danny Crouse, Corey Bean, Larry Bateson, Shawn Benjamin, Justin Stahl, and the workers at DS Brown (Randy Bean, Corey Bean, Steven Abrell, Bob Cortez, Don Thomas, Steve Toy, Dave Anderson, Allen Jordan, Anthony Branan, Branden Brueshaber, Nick Brossia, Scott Youtsey),who helped create, make, weld, and paint the steel legs.

Tyler is the son of Dan and Brenda Stimmel, North Baltimore. He is the grandson of Duane and Rhea Young, Findlay.

Photos by Brenda Stimmel

TylerS eagle scout project benchLeg1
Paw leg
TylerS eagle scout project benchLeg2
T leg


TylerS eagle scout board of review 2
Boy Scout Board of Review: Mark Povenmire, Kathy Bomer, Larry Bateson, Mike Julien, Tyler Stimmel (Click to Enlarge)
Tyler S eagleScout project Boys Room Helpers
Group helper pic is : (same people helped in both room, just different work days, not all in pics at one time) Front: Dan Stimmel, Tyler Stimmel. Back: Larry Bateson, Corey Bean, Duane Young, Chris North, Larry Snyder. Not pictured, Randy Bean (Click on photo to enlarge)


Congratulations Tyler, on a job Well Done and on achieving your goal of attaining the rank of Eagle Scout!

One Response

  1. Great work, Tyler. Congratulations on attaining the rank of Eagle Scout. Good luck in your future endeavors as well!

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