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Village Administrator Report Feb. 2018

Allyson Murray, North Baltimore Village Administrator, submitted her activity report at the council meeting on March 6, 2018.

Village Administrator Report

1. Meeting Review

• Feb 13 – Wood County Park District Meeting @ 3:00pm
• Feb 14 – Finance & Technology Committee Meeting
• Feb 15 – Wood County Economic Development Lunch at American Legion @ Noon
• Feb 19 – President’s Day Village Office Closed
• Feb 20 – North Baltimore Village Council Meeting @ 5:30pm at Village Hall
• Feb 27 – Meeting with Poggemeyer on Safe Routes to School Grant @ 1:30pm
• Feb 27 – Required Baseball/Softball Field Meeting @ 6:00pm at Village Hall
• Feb 28 – North Baltimore Area Chamber of Commerce Mtg.@ noon at McDonalds
• Mar 2 – TMACOG Water Quality Council at NWWSD @ 10:00am

2. Upcoming Meetings:

• Mar 6 – North Baltimore Village Council Meeting @ 5:30pm at Village Hall
• Mar 7 – CDBG Community Forum @ 6pm Wood County Courthouse Atrium
• Mar 9 – North Baltimore Area Rotary Club Wine Tasting @ The Depot 6-9pm
• Mar 12 – North Baltimore Tree Commission Meeting @ 3:45pm Village Hall
• Mar 13 – Committee of the Whole Meeting at HANCOCK WOOD @ 5:30pm
• Mar 13 – Neighborhood Revitalization Grant Public Meeting # 2 @ HANCOCK WOOD @ 7pm

3. Neighborhood Revitalization Grant– The next public meeting for the Neighborhood Revitalization Grant will take place on Tuesday March 13th at 7:00pm at Hancock Wood Electric Cooperative. The Neighborhood Revitalization Grant can fund projects up to $500,000 to revitalize neighborhood areas in communities. We appealed to the local coaches to attend this meeting to discuss the needed improvements at the village ball fields and we continue to request the public to attend to discuss the issues they feel are critical to improving our community. We would like to thank the citizens for their support of the survey. As of Friday March 2, 2018 we have received 123 completed surveys.

REMINDER: The COTW meeting on March 13, 2018 at 5:30 will be held at Hancock Wood Electric, followed immediately at 7:00pm by the next NEIGHBORHOOD REVITALIZATION MEETING ALSO AT HANCOCK WOOD ELECTRIC.

4. Water Tower Design Loan Ordinance –The Village of North Baltimore purchased land at the corner of Taylor & East Water Streets back in early 2011 with the intention of building a new 500,000-gallon water tower. The plan was to build the new water tower to alleviate any issues with water pressure and plan for future growth and need in the community. The next step in this process is the design of a 500,000-gallon water tower. The Village was awarded a zero percent interest loan for the design of the tower, which is estimated at $100,000 for design only. To move forward with the loan and the water tower design Ordinance # 2018-01 is on the agenda for a third reading. This will only be for the water tower design. If and when we decide to construct the water tower, a different ordinance authorizing the construction of the water tower will be presented at that time.

5. Street Sweeper- the village has an assessment which brings in $64,000 per year to Fund 821 to go towards street sweeping. Street sweeping is mandated by the Environmental Protection Agency to maintain our sewer systems. In addition to the monies collected by the levy, a previous council began saving for a new street sweeper and there is approximately $75,000 in the 901 Fund that has been earmarked for the purchase of a new street sweeper. Last year we began contacting vendors and finally found one who would agree to take our old sweeper in trade. Included in the council packet is the cost breakdown for the new sweeper and the amount we will receive in trade. It takes close to 8-10 weeks from the time we place the order until our sweeper will be delivered, and spring (and our need to street sweep) is approaching fast. Ordinance # 2018-03 is on the agenda for a third reading to purchase a new street sweeper.

6. Public Works Dump Truck – the Department of Public Works currently has 3 dump trucks and a mini dump truck. The 1995 Dump Truck has issues with the dump bed and frame. Moving forward we will only be able to use this dump truck for plowing. The handle to operate the dump bed has already been removed. This vehicle can still be used for plowing. It cannot however, be used for salt spreading or dumping. With this vehicle limited to plowing it leaves the village with the 2001 Dump Truck, the 2012 Dump Truck and the Mini Dump Truck. In discussions with Superintendent of Public Works Doug Wickard and his staff they are all in agreement that if they have to pick either a new Dump Truck or Street Sweeper the Street Sweeper is the more critical purchase at this time. I believe we can effectively manage with 2 Dump Trucks and the Mini Dump Truck for the next few years while we continue to plan for a future purchase of a new Dump Truck.

7. Wood County Mitigation Meetings – The Federal Emergency Management Agency requires that each county update their Natural Hazard Mitigation Plan every 5 years. Wood County is in the process of doing so this year and scheduled meetings throughout the county to review information specific to communities on their potential hazards and concerns. The next meeting will be here in North Baltimore on Thursday March 22, 2018 at 1:00pm at Village Hall in the Council Chambers.

8. Policy on Tying into Village Storm Sewer -The Public Works Committee has worked jointly with the Personnel, Policy and Ordinance Review Committee to amend language in Chapters 925 Sewer & Water Tapping Permits, and 935 Storm Water Management System of the Codified Ordinances of the Village of North Baltimore. The changes were discussed at the Committee of the Whole Meeting and a second reading will be held at the council meeting Tuesday March 6, 2018 on Ordinance 2018-06 for changes to Chapter 925 Sewer & Water Tapping Permits and Ordinance # 2018-07 for changes to Chapter 935 Storm Water Management System.

9. Meeting for Teams Wishing to Use Village Baseball Fields- On Tuesday February 27, 2018, village officials met with members of the public and school system who wished to utilize the village ball fields for the spring, summer and fall of 2018. This was an informational meeting addressing some issues we have been experiencing with the fields and concession stands. The village is happy to work with this years’ coaches and wish all team a successful season.

10. Donation of Property to Village – The Village was approached by a citizen who wishes to donate their property to the village. This is a piece of property that is only about 5 feet wide and runs the length of the adjoining property which is owned by the Village. Ordinance #2018-08 will have a second reading at the March 6, 2018 council meeting to accept this property.

11. Asset Management Plan – The Ohio Environmental Protection Agency is now requiring an “Asset Management Plan” in place in every municipality with a public water system. The Ohio Senate passed Senate Bill 2 in late 2017 which includes, “Section 6109.24 (B): “A public water system shall demonstrate the technical, managerial, and financial capability of the system to comply with this chapter and rules adopted under it by implementing an asset management program” by October 1, 2018. In addition, “Section 6109.24 (B)(3) Asset Management Program shall include:

The Village requested written estimates from several engineering firms and the lowest we received is from Civil Engineering Solutions. Brian Roberts and I agree we would like to work with Civil Engineering Solutions on this project and will need a motion from council tonight to move forward.

Proposed Motion – To work with Civil Engineering Solutions on the mandated Asset Management Plan for the Village of North Baltimore at a cost of no more than $18,000.

12. Boy Scout House Service Contract – The Village would like to contract the Boy Scout House to the American Legion. By contracting it to the American Legion, which sponsors the Boy Scouts in the village, it can ensure the scouts are the only entity that utilizes it. Ordinance # 2018-05 appears on the council agenda at the March 6, 2018 meeting for a 2nd reading.

13. Economic & Community Development Committee Meeting – The Economic & Community Development Committee of Village Council will meet immediately following (approximately 7pm) the regularly scheduled council meeting on Tuesday March 6th. The agenda for the meeting will include discussion on Village Mission Statement and 5 year plan.

14. Village Tree Commission – The Village Tree Commission will meet on Monday March 12, 2018 at 3:45pm. They will be approving the hazard tree list for this year so it can be put out for bid. If you know of any trees you believe could be hazardous please contact the Mayor so it can be evaluated.

15. New ODOT Outpost- We are excited about the first shared outpost between two ODOT districts to be located just outside North Baltimore. With the in-progress and recently completed expansion of I-75 to six lanes from Findlay to Perrysburg, the shared outpost will help ODOT better serve Wood and Hancock counties. The nine acre outpost on South Dixie Highway will have a seven thousand ton salt shed, equipment storage building, wash bay, truck storage, and a state of the art brine system with 70 thousand gallons of brine storage. Construction is anticipated to begin in May with an expected completion in spring 2019. The estimated project will cost approximately $5 million dollars and The Village of North Baltimore will be supplying the water service.

16. Annual Rotary Wine Tasting Event – The North Baltimore Area Rotary will be holding their annual wine tasting event on Friday March 9, 2018 from 6:00-10:00pm at The Depot (Roxie’s Place) 142 North Main Street, North Baltimore, Ohio 45872. Tickets are $25 each or (2) tickets for $40. Each ticket includes 5 wine “tastings”, hot & cold appetizers, dessert bar, non-alcoholic drinks and snacks. Individual glasses of wine and cans of domestic beer will be sold as well.

All proceeds from this event go towards scholarships for area high school students. Last year (4) scholarships were funded with the proceeds from this event. Stop out for a nice evening close to home!

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