by Sue Miklovic
At last Tuesday evening’s meeting, the Village Council members were in total support of giving CSP a (property tax) tax break, as it learned of their plans to expand the facility on Poe Road. The company is planning to add 100 new jobs while completing a nearly $30 million, 70,000 square foot expansion project at it’s North Baltimore facility.
Village Administrator Allyson Murray stated, “That is an estimated $5000 per year” (for 15 years) This is wonderful news for the North Baltimore community and we wish to support the expansion.”

Wood County Economic Development Director Wade Gottschalk said, “This is a really big success story here” pointing out that the facility almost closed a few years ago, then added several new jobs last year, and now is planning this major expansion. The abatement will be for the expanded building (5-$6 million) only, not all the machinery.
The Village Planning Commission approved a zoning change for a small tract of land just north of the current CSP facility that Ms. Murray said, “Was an oversight at some time many decades ago” Council gave a first reading to an ordinance allowing the change and set the date(June 5th at 5:00pm) for a mandatory public hearing.
In other business last Tuesday, village resident Jeff Miklovic spoke during the “public participation” portion of the meeting. He inquired why the list of projects being presented to council for approval included some projects that had not been on the list of “Top Choices” compiled at the most recent Neighborhood Revitalization Grant Public Participation meetings, including fencing at the park, and removing dilapidated houses in the village. “I understand people being concerned about this, but why use public funds to fix a private-property problem?” Council decided to discuss this further and move forward at a special meeting on May 8, which will follow the already scheduled Committee of the Whole meeting.
Other discussions at the meeting:
-New (to the village) ambulance has arrived–“It just needs to be North Baltimore-ized” said the Mayor.
-Councilman Ty Carles has received complaints of about 30 feral cats in the vicinity of Water Street and Main Street. “They are defecating all over” he said. The Mayor said she will see if there is anything they can do besides having them picked up and spayed/neutered.
-AEP has asked for an easement through village owned property, north of the tracks and east of Poe Road.
-The administrator is responsible for paying the villages bills and expenses until a new Finance Officer is hired.
-Councilman Aaron Patterson mentioned the possibility of turning the tennis court into an additional basketball court.
-Legal Counsel Joel Kuhlman informed the council you can not assess people who live outside of the village limits for drainage of water.
-Henry Township wants the village to assist in the cost of paving Quarry Road since it is partially in the village.
-The Mayor reminded everyone that the Council only meets twice a month during June, July, and August