by Sue Miklovic, theNBXpress
The first North Baltimore Village Council meeting for October was a short one, by recent measures—less than an hour. Council President Art Patterson and Councilman Aaron Patterson were excused from the meeting. Councilwoman Leisa Zeigler was voted President pro-tem for the evening.
Highlight of the meeting was hearing Mayor Goldner share that forty-two applications had already been received for the vacant Village Administrator position. She hopes to have a committee narrow down the field to five or six candidates. “I really would like to have somebody in place by November,” she said.
More discussion on the format of the interviewing process will be discussed at the Committee of the Whole meeting next Tuesday.
Other items from the brief meeting:
# Two part-time dispatchers have been hired
# The village will advertise for bids for tree removal
# No progress on the installation of cameras
# Trenton Strickland hired, effective 10/02/18 to NBFD
# Village Legal Counsel Joel Kuhlman reported Public Records request issues have been resolved. He also reported having received proof of ownership of recycling equipment from county.
# Pro Tech Rental Properties received the green light to continue their parking/sidewalk project at 200/204 West Broadway after changes to the plan, which include green space. The planning commission recommended a zoning change for this location as well, from R-2 to R-3. There are 8 rental residences at these locations.
# Main Street will be CLOSED to parking on October 27th from 5pm -10 pm for the Halloween Parade. Trick or Treat is October 31 from 6:00-7:30pm.
# Personnel Committee Chair Ty Carles reminded Council they need to move forward with a plan to pay out Utility Director Brian Roberts his unused vacation time because of a mandate of having a qualified operator available at all times.