by Sue Miklovic
The third and final village council meeting was held Tuesday March 19th in village council chambers. The meeting opened with a prayer for wisdom offered by Pastor Mike Soltis of the Bridge Fellowship.
After the approval of the agenda, the meeting moved forward. There was no one requesting public participation this week.
There were no administrative reports due. Although no administrative report was due by the Village Administrator Michael Brillhart, he provided one for the council members. It included these items:
First, the administrator will investigate the cost to install a pickle ball court at the Village Park. The administrator will review the possibility of using any available funding from the recent Wood County Park District Grant that was specific to new basketball poles and goals.
At last week’s Committee of the Whole meeting, Village resident Dr. John Eric Vandemark requested a Pickle Ball Court at the Village Park.He described the court, necessary equipment, and provided some information on what he referred to as “The fastest growing sport in the U.S. Also known as Tennis for Old Folks”
Second, the Neighborhood Revitalization Grant which is being administered through Wood County, was discussed. This CDBG(Community Development Block Grant)will advertise the bids for engineering services. Construction is anticipated to begin during mid-year 2019 and will include six enhancement projects including downtown parking lot paving and Village Park handicap- accessible parking.
The third project highlighted was the Safe Routes to School grant. The first advertisement for the construction bid has occurred. The second advertisement is happening this week. The bid opening is scheduled to take place on March 29th, in North Baltimore.
The downtown revitalization project which encompasses the 100 block of North Main Street is expected to receive an estimate at a reduced cost from the one previously dated on March 11th, according to ODOT District 2 office. They have submitted a revised PS & E(Plans, Specifications, and Engineering) package to the central office in Columbus for final approval.
The current Street Levy will discontinue collecting tax money in 2020. The administrator is suggesting the Council take action during the month of April to consider placing it on the ballot for the November Election.
The council approved the recommendations from Art Patterson, Chair of the Public Safety Committee, with requests from NBPD Chief Lafferty and NBEMS Chief Walter to hire Lydia Swain as a dispatcher and Sarah Schawver as an intermediate EMT to begin immediately.
After that report, the meeting moved on to standing committees. Mr. Beegle, representing the Public Works committee shared the new 2019 Village Baseball Field agreement. It outlines the criteria for use of the facilities in order to be fair and consistent with all users of the Village Park Facilities. This year the League will need to obtain their own Food Service permits from the Wood County Health Department. Last year the village footed the bill.
Finance and Technology Committee Chair Leisa Zeigler shared, by reading out loud, a letter that she had written concerning recent activity at a Finance related work session that was held on February 26th. The meeting was concerning village finances particularly recommended pay scale adjustments and pay raises for village employees. She stated her opinion of some attendees inappropriate behavior at that meeting , and shared that she, Mayor Goldner, and Mr. Carles all left that meeting. Some loud conversation followed her statement at this week’s meeting.
A first reading was presented for an ordinance to replace 46 light fixtures at the roundabout.
A first reading, which was declared an emergency, was read, for repairs to Fire Truck 2.
A second reading of the ordinance allowing the vacating of Central Avenue north of the right-of-way at Elm Street was read.
The Council held Executive Session. No action was expected.
One Response
? Thumbs up to a possible pickleball court! It is a fast growing sport and very addicting. I would love to see a pickleball interest in North Baltimore. There is a pickleball club in Findlay and Findlay has already converted tennis courts at Riverside park to pickleball courts. The YMCA and 50 North both have pickleball courts also. I hope this goes thru at the NB park in the near future ?