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Village Council Met Last Tuesday

by Sue Miklovic

The third meeting of the month was held last Tuesday, October 15th. Council members Ty Carles and Art Patterson were both absent. 

Village Business owner Kyle Jordan addressed the Council concerning cracked and uneven concrete in front of the building he and his wife own at 108 N. Main Street. He is concerned it could cause a tripping hazard or be slippery when it snows, if it is not repaired. He was assured that the company that just built the new curbs and sidewalks in the 100 block of North Main Street will be back to deal with any issues that arise. 

Finance Officer Tony Swartz talked briefly about some un-cashed payroll checks. “Some of them are a few years old, like from firemen who never cashed them after going on fire runs” he said. They will be reissued. He also shared that the State of Ohio is willing to provide an in-person report from the recent audit they completed if the Council wants it, versus just a written report. Mr. Swartz also reported that electronic billing/online bill pay is almost ready to begin for anyone who prefers this option for their water bill.

Village Administrator Michael Brillhart shared that the third phase of the 100 block of North Main Street project is underway with street light poles and traffic signal poles being fabricated for installation in early 2020. Mr. Brillhart explained, “This ODOT grant requires the poles be made in the USA using steel made in the USA, so there is a waiting time for them to be made. They will match the light poles at the roundabout. It was discussed and agreed upon by the council members present that if the village plans to “match” the poles for the 200 block project also, they should get the fabrication project started soon, and  seriously consider ordering a  couple of “spares”so they have them on hand in case of damage, destruction, accidents, etc.

There was also a discussion about the 200 block grant project. “Nine firms expressed interest in the design phase process” said Brillhart, “who are quality-based selection firms, according to ODOT standards.” This grant is funded by the Ohio Public Works Commission.

The Public Utilities Committee Chair, Aaron Patterson, Administrator Brillhart, and Utilities Director Brian Roberts all requested that the Bulk water/Commercial water rate proposed ordinance be tabled until the Nov. 19th council meeting. It still needs a little tweaking.

An ordinance was passed at the meeting, amending a section of the codified ordinance, establishing conditions for consideration of the allowance of adjustment to the water bill in the case of water leakage. 

The Council adjourned to Executive session “to consider the purchase of property” No action was expected to follow. 

The next meeting is November 5, 2019, which is also Election Day.


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