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February 13, 2025 8:35 am

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  1. Pledge of Allegiance

 Mayor Julien called the meeting to order at 5:30 PM and led the Pledge of Allegiance.


  1. Roll Call:

 Mayor Julien-Here, Janet Goldner–Here, Aaron Patterson-Absent, Leslee Thompson-Here, Bill Cameron-Here, Art Patterson-Here, Rich Rose—Absent,  Kylie Hiser Student Representative–Absent Clerk Richard Van Mooy-Here.


Ms Goldner made a motion to excuse Ms Hiser and Messer Rose and Aaron Patterson.  Second by Mr. Cameron.  All approved.


Following the roll call, Mayor Julien asked for a moment of silence in remembrance and thanks for all veterans.


  • Executive Session

        Ms. Goldner made a motion to enter into executive session at 5:37 PM for  121.22 G1 to consider the appointment, employment, dismissal, promotion, demotion or compensation of a public employee.  Second by Mr. Cameron.  All approved 

  1. Return to Regular Session

 Mr. Cameron  made a motion to return to regular session at 5:45 PM.  Second by

Ms Thompson. All approved.

 New Business/Legislation

                   Ms Dettling made the following recommendation: After careful consideration of performance concerns with the Finance Clerk I position, which is the responsible for Accounts Receivable (EMS and Utility Billing), the Administrator is recommending dismissal.  This position is currently held by Jaimye Benedict.”

Before calling for a motion on the recommendation, Mr. Julien stated that he concurred with Ms Dettling’s recommendation.

Motion to approve the recommendation by Ms Goldner. Second by Ms Thompson.                         All approved.

Motion by Mr. Cameron to allow the Village Administrator to advertise for a part-time employee to fill the duties of Finance Clerk I.  Second by Ms. Goldner.  All approved. 

  1. Old Business 





  • Adjournment 

       Ms Thompson made a motion to adjourn at  5:57 PM.  Second by Mr. Cameron.  All approved.

2 Responses

  1. As I read the minutes from Nov.11th special meeting I began to realize that maybe the village is not being very forthcoming to the residents . Ms. Dettling recomended dismissal of office clerk due to job performance ! Is this the real reason or is it due to a amount of funds missing ? The taxpayers of the village deserve the truth.If job performance is the real issue why quit here? Why not look at street and water dept. heads ? No answers for elevated water consumptions ,either people are being told they have a leak or dept. head simply blows people off with no response at all .Sorry but the residents dont work for you .As far as street dept. ,well lets see there is apparently no direction for the workers due to the fact of just looking around .The village signs (stop, parking ,snow ect.)are so neglected that they cant even be read . Now that winter closes in ,I wonder if the snow removal will be as pathetic as in the past .I believe many residents feel this way but dont say alot because it has fallen on deaf ears .Why arent there some changes made in these two examples . Is it because of relation on village council or the good ole boys club? Maybe get rid of the new village adminstrator and let these two keep running the village the way they see fit !

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