Addiction erodes the quality of life we enjoy in Northwest and West Central Ohio. Too many of us have been affected by the opiate addiction epidemic. From the mother who now visits her son at the cemetery to the 6-year-old girl who does not understand what happened to mommy and why she doesn’t live with her anymore, addiction is changing families every day. Friend, family, co-worker, neighbor or acquaintance—odds are you know someone who has a drug addiction.
WBGU-TV will produce a series of television programs and televised town hall/community roundtable events to build awareness in all communities in Northwest and West Central Ohio. The size and scope of the project will depend on funding. WBGU-TV has committed the time and resources needed to start the project, to engage communities and to seek committed partners to continue the series.
The first broadcast of this series is scheduled to air on Thursday, February 19 at 8 pm, with the second program airing in March. With funding, we will air a monthly program, put resources and information on various social media sites, find additional resources and engage community and government leaders so we can continue the vital effort of building addiction awareness in Ohio.
The first phase of this project will focus on building awareness and seeking answers to what’s next. This phase will outline the tsunami size and scope of this growing problem and how addiction reaches every social and economic sector of Northwest and West Central Ohio.
We will build awareness of the effects of addiction on the addict. We will build awareness of the effects on families, especially parents and children of addicts. We will discuss the effects on the community as a whole and the economic impact to area businesses.
We will answer questions like:
- Where do I get treatment?
- What are schools doing to educate kids about this?
- What government and community agencies are helping?
- What do I do if my child is an addict?
One Response
An addict can go to a hospital and if there are no beds availble do you know what they do. They give them some adivan pills and tell them it should help you out with the withdraws and send you on your way. In order for the local community of North Baltimore they would have to go all the way to toledo to get help oh and thats where the local NB people are getting it. I have tried for 3 years to raise awareness for this illness. this is what one govener replied to my email
The Governor has asked that I respond on his behalf. We appreciate you taking the time to share your concerns and opinions. At this time, there is no legislation pending before the Ohio General Assembly having to do with this issue. Please be assured if any future legislative action arises the Governor will be mindful of the views you expressed. I also encourage you to communicate your views with your legislators as they have the ability to introduce new legislation before the General Assembly. If you would like to contact your State Senator and Representative, you may call the Ohio Senate Clerk at (614) 466-4900 and the Ohio House of Representatives Clerk at (614) 466-3357. Once again, thank you for writing. Please do not hesitate to contact our office if we can assist you in the future.
This was from North Baltimores own:
I will forward your concerns on to our State Representatives in Columbus. Thanks for sharing your feelings on this matter. C. Michael Julien Mayor, Village of North Baltimore Office – 419-857-8127 FAX – 419-257-2457 —-
Yeah not a lot of help here.
Some friends of mine went to a FED UP Rally in D.C. last year. We sent letters in and guess what no replys. Oh and the President knew they were coming guess where he was that day….yep out golfing.
I would bet a million dollars Every single person in north baltimore knows someone who is addicted. They may not know it because they dont know what to look for but its there. This disease does not discriminate.